I have made no secret of the fact that I have a horrible memory when it comes to books. I can remember how a book made me feel, how I felt about it and what I rated it. I fail miserably at remembering anything more then the most basic details about a book unless I've read it more than once. I have started doing updates as I read over on Instagram and this really helps me: check those out here.
I did a complete chapter by chapter series recap for the Throne of Glass books so that with each new release I could just go read through it without having to reread all the other books again. It was super useful and you can check it out here. Be warned: I wrote these with myself in mind so do throw in comments here and there and some thoughts I have.
I am now going to do the same for the ACOTAR series as I wait for the next book, and will continue to do it with each new book released. I hope you find this useful, I will be summing up every single chapter and including all details that are mentioned. FYI: I also have a habit of saying man/woman rather than male/female for the fae sometimes and this also may have some spelling mistakes as I typed it up quite quickly.
Crescent City recaps:
ACOTAR recaps:
A Court of Wings and Ruin
Rhysand: Two Years Before the Wall
Rhys is making his way across the killing field, during the war between human and Fae. The field is field with the corpses of fallen Fae and humans. They had managed to hold the lines against Ravennia's legions for three days. His is making his way across the field and checking any Illyrian he sees to make sure it is not Cassian.
Part One: Princess of Carrion
Chapter 1: She is in the Spring Court, painting a picture of flowers and trying to pretend she is okay. She still has both of her tattoos but she is using a glamour to hide them. Ianthe is coming to explain to Feyre why she gave up her sisters to the King of Hybern. Feyre has a new bedroom at the manor, her old one was completely trashed by Tamlin. She now stays in a room just across from Lucien.
Lucien keeps asking Feyre where Rhys would take Elain, says he needs to find her- he is worried what is happening to her there. He doesn't believe Feyre when she says that Elain will be fine there.
Ianthe says she is sorry and that she acted on a desire to give Feyre what she thought she wanted but did not dare voice - to have her sisters with her forever. She says Hybern's forces are too great to stop anyway. Tamlin says part of his bargain with the King was that he guarantee the people of the Spring Court will not be harmed. But he has told a lot of his court to relocate to the East for the time being just in case. Jurian and the first delegation will arrive the next day.
Chapter 2: Jurian and two commanders are coming to survey the wall and test for the perfect spot to rend it once the Cauldron has restored its strength - turning her sisters in to Fae has drained it. Feyre needs to find out where they plan to strike and how long the Cauldron will take to get back to full capacity. Feyre has only spoke to Rhys once down the bond since she got there - can't risk using it too often. She told him she was okay and asked about her sisters. He told her he loves her and that they are safe and healing.
Jurian arrives with two commanders, male and female twins both with the same ruddy hue and inky black hair - Prince Dagdan and Princess Brannagh who are the nephew and niece of the King of Hybern. The twins say they will share a room.
Feyre and Jurian have a little back and forth, she warms him not to threaten him in her own home. She is putting on a performance, working to convince Tamlin that she loves him and loves the Spring Court. Feyre notes Dagdan seems to yield to his sisters every wish and order, she notes they seem to be able to communicate silently and believes they are daemati, like her and Rhysand.
The next day Lucien and Feyre will escort the twins and Jurian to the wall to show them where the holes are located. Lucien is asked where he got his mechanical eye from, says a fiend at the Dawn Court crafted it for him.
Feyre has been trying to locate the wings that belong to Rhys' mother and sister but hasn't found them so far. Jurian tells Feyre he fought with Rhys in the war and asks her where Miryam is, she says she is dead. He says he knows she isn't because he had tried to use the Cauldron already to resurrect her and it didn't work as she is still alive. Feyre says she doesn't know and she was told she was dead. Feyre realises Jurian is trying to distract them at dinner while the twins infiltrate their minds, she uses her powers to shield her mind and others from them.
Chapter 3: Feyre has inherited a curse-breaking ability from Helion, High Lord of the Day Court. They go to the wall and find the first hole. Lucien says he doesn't know how they were made, some just appeared over the centuries. He says there are three holes in total and then one off the coast. Can't travel easily to them all, as they can't winnow directly to them.
Feyre asks what side of the first war Lucien would have fought on if he was alive back then, he says he would have fought on the human-Fae alliance. Lucien tells her that he beat Tamlin back to the manor the day she left. He found no trace of her except for the melted ring, he got rid of it before Tamlin could see it.
Feyre makes a note of the fact the twins showed no interest in Ianthe at breakfast that morning. She seems to think they may have an incestuous relationship (I feel bad for male/female twins in real life, they're forever having to deal with twincest plots in fiction) The twins question Feyre about the Night Court and she gives them a lot of false information about it.
Feyre asks Lucien about Ianthe and if her and Tamlin slept together while she was gone. He says no, says Tamlin also refused to take part in the Rite and had Lucien do it in his place (Why didn't he do this in book one?) Ianthe insisted that Lucien take her to the cave on Calanmai - he said he did his duty.
Alis tells Feyre she was there the day Morrigan came for Feyre, she begged for Mor to take Feyre out - lied to Tamlin about it and said Mor abducted her. Alis says people say Feyre came back different/wrong but she thinks she came back right. She tells Feyre she has a cousin who works at the palace at Adriata and that she told Alis Feyre visited and was healthy and happy. Alsi says that whatever Feyre has planned to leave her boys out of it. She tells her to take whatever retribution she desires but to spare them.
Chapter 4: Summer Solstice arrives and Ianthe makes them go to an alter that morning for a ceremony. Feyre had worked with Ianthe on what prayers they should perform, so that it would mean the twins, Jurian and Tamlin would help and then her and Lucien would be left on the other side watching them.
As the sun rises, Ianthe raises her hands expecting the light to hit her but Feyre has moved the stone Ianthe uses to mark where she stands. And instead Feyre uses her light power to make herself glow to make it seem like she is the one being blessed. She grabs Lucien's hand and then he kneels before her, the others follow in his lead. She allows a little of her glow to spread to Lucien.
She speaks to Rhys down the bond to check everyone is okay, they are and he asks when she is coming home and she says soon.
Chapter 5: She wakes from a nightmare that night and goes across to Lucien's room, is in a lacy nightdress. She tells him about her nightmare, throws her arms around him and begins crying. He is comforting her when Tamlin finds them like that. Feyre had set it all up, faked the nightmare and went to Lucien's when she knew Tamlin would find them.
Chapter 6: A set of keys to the estate grounds have gone missing. Ianthe says the land around her temple is dying and that it reeks of the naga, says she believes they are planning to attack. Ianthe makes a comment about Tamlin returning Rhys' mother and sisters wings so that he might leave them alone. Tamlin says he burned them long ago.
Lucien, Feyre, Jurian and the twins head to a different hole in the wall. Feyre asks Lucien if there is any way for Tamlin to get out of the deal he made with Hybern. He says no, the King crafted the bargain too clearly and magic would strike Tamlin down if he doesn't allow them on his lands. He says it will claim Tamlin's power or his life.
Feyre asks how bad it was when she left, he says Tamlin trashed the manor and killed the sentries who were on guard that day. They find the next hole in the wall and three Children of the Blessed are on the other side.
Chapter 7: Feyre is trying to scare them off because the twins are trying to get them to come across the wall. Feyre gets in to their minds to scare them so they will leave. Jurian thanks her when the others can't hear and asks her what happens to humans who come across the wall - Feyre says she doesn't know, only knows that they never return.
Jurian says he has unfinished business because everything he did during the war was for Miryam and then she betrayed him. He wants to draw her out of hiding and regret what she did. Jurian says he knows Rhys, he fought with him. Rhys risked his legion to save Miryam and that was how Miryam captured him. Rhys knew it was a trap for Prince Drakon so Rhys defied orders and marched his whole legion to get Miryam out. Jurian says everyone insists Rhys is a soulless monster but the Fae he knew back then was the most decent of them all.
Lucien and Feyre have to share a tent and they wake the next day and can smell blood. The twins went through the wall and hunted down the three Children of the Blessed and tortured and killed them.
Chapter 8: Tamlin is having a go at Feyre, saying the twins are their allies. She argues that the twins butchered three innocent people. He says she should have left it for him to deal with rather than retaliating. Lucien and Feyre had sent the Bogge after the twins. Her and Tamlin fight and she angers him until he explodes again. This time she doesn't shield herself, allows herself to get flung across the room and hurt. Allows his guards to see her hurt by him. Lucien comes and take her away.
Rhys sends word down the bond, asking if she is hurt. She says she is okay and they talk for a while.
The next day she goes out for a ride with Tamlin's guards Bron & Hart, the two who heard her fight with Tamlin and saw her hurt.
That night 7 naga break into the estate and they're found with the estate keys that went missing. Their attack was halted thanks to a vision Ianthe supposedly had. Tamlin plans to whip the guard who fell asleep while on duty, the same guard who lost his keys. The guard insists that Ianthe stole his keys. It is all true, Ianthe set up the naga attack so she could be the one to save them.
Ianthe says the guard is lying but Feyre says she will hear him out. Ianthe insists they don't - the other guards note how dismissive she is being and know she set the guard and the attack up. She is playing in to Feyre's hands. She knows Tamlin's need for control and not to look weak will make him ignore that and punish the guard anyway - which he does. This angers his sentries, who believe he is picking Ianthe over them despite all they have risked for him over the years - like being sent across the wall to be killed to break the curse.
Chapter 9: Feyre stays after to help the healer patch him up. Bron and Hart personally escort her back to the manor afterwards. They apologise to Feyre for not stopping any of it - everything that has been done to her in the Spring Court. Feyre's plan is working.
Alis tells Feyre that when her and the others head to find the third hole in the wall the next day, she is leaving with her nephews and heading to the Summer Court. Feyre wishes her well and Alis says she will always have one friend in the Summer Court.
The next day they go to the third hole and Feyre suggests this is the best one and the hole they should use. She gets them to reveal that Hybern has an army of 200,000 including help from Vallahan, Montesere and Rask. She asks why they need the Cauldron and they say it will wipe the world clean again. They will need to use this exact spot in the wall as a person/object of mighty power passed through it and the Cauldron will study the work they've already done and magnify it until the warn collapses.
Feyre notes they have given her everything she needs to know - numbers, specific locations, names of foreign territories. She has a pack on her with the supplies she needs to escape and get back to the Night Court. She has set the Spring Court up to fall from its own internal warring. Her plan is to go before the other comes back, she has planted it in the sentries head to say they saw her being nearly killed by the twins and how she ran for her life when when Tamlin & Ianthe refused to intervene.
As she leaves she overhears Lucien telling Ianthe to back off, hears him telling her not to touch it - she remembers what Rhys showed her about Ianthe. She sees that Ianthe has him shackled around the wrists with the same blue stone chains she once saw used on Rhys that immobilised his power.
Feyre uses her power to get into Ianthe's head. Makes her unshackle Lucien and then makes her pick up a rock, put her hand on a boulder and then smash the rock into it over and over again. Feyre tells her she will never touch another person against their will. Tells her she won't remember what happened here, she will tell others that she fell. Tells her she can see a healer to set the bones but not erase the scarring.
Lucien is in shock at what she has done. They're caught by the twins before they can leave, they tell Lucien that Feyre is daemati.
Chapter 10: The twins reveal they have been plotting too. Ask if Feyre has noticed her headaches - which she has. And how things seem muffled in certain mental bonds - something else she had noticed when trying to speak to Rhys down the bond. Her powers have also been tiring easy.
They tell her they gave Ianthe crushed faebane stone ground so fine that Feyre wouldn't notice it or taste it in her food. She ate an apple an hour ago that was grown in the King's personal garden, which was fed water laced with faebane. They say it has enough to knock her powers out for a few days.
Feyre attacks - winnowing to Dagdan and distracting him by using her fire powers on his sister, giving her time to stab him. Lucien beheads Brannagh and then when Dagdan goes to attack Lucien, Feyre stabs him in the eye and through his skull, killing him.
The apple is starting to take effect, taking away her powers. Lucien knows she is planning to go back to the Night Court. He says he is going with her as she won't make it on her own. Says he is going with her so he can get his mate back. Lucien realises his magic is gone too, they must have used the faebane on them all. They leave through one of the caves that leads to the Autumn Court.
Part Two: Cursebreaker
Chapter 11: Feyre and Lucien arrive in the Autumn Court - still don't have their magic. Lucien takes her to a cave her used to stay in before he left the Autumn Court. Lucien says he knew she was lying when she unleashed that light in Hybern - his friend in the Dawn Court has the same powers. She asks why he didn't tell Tamlin and he responds that it felt like kicking him while he was down. He also knew if he did then she would find a way to make sure Lucien never saw Elain again. Feyre gets angry, says he is only helping her to get what he thinks he is owed and not because it is the right thing to do.
Lucien asks what she had planned to do with Tamlin - she says disembowel him. She says she debated it but letting his court collapse around him seemed a better punishment. Lucien says his father will hunt her for taking his power and kill her for using it.
They hike through the Autumn Court for 5 days. Lucien reveals he wasn't liked in his court. He was the youngest of 7 so he got to study for longer. Says the bloodshed that would be required to get his fathers crown was never worth it to him. He warns her that his people would sell them out if anyone spots them because of what happened to Jesminda. Jesminda, the girl he fell in love with, was one of them and when he didn't protect her it was a betrayal of their trust. When he was fleeing his brothers none of them would help him.
They finally make it to the mountains that lead to the Winter Court. She falls asleep and wakes up to hand gripping her face - Lucien's brothers have found them.
Chapter 12: They say the rumour is that Lucien & Feyre ran off together, that they were cuckolding Tamlin. Eris is there, the man who abandoned Mor in the woods to die all those centuries ago. Feyre can feel that her powers are slowly returning. Feyre uses her fire powers to attack them, separate them from her and Lucien and then brings the cave down on his brothers so they can run.
Her powers haven't fully returned so they find another cave to rest in. Lucien asks her about Elain - tells him she loves gardening and that she is engaged to a human Lord's son.
They pass the border into the Winter Court. They are making their way across the thick ice of a lake when Eris and two other brothers catch up to them. Eris is using his fire powers to melt the ice they are on.
Chapter 13: Lucien & Feyre begin running across the the ice. As she runs she can feel Kallias's power in her, the Winter Court High Lords power, she uses it to turn the melting ice back to solid ice. Eris and the other brothers appear in front of them. An arrow is fired at Feyre, it cuts her face and slices her ear. Eris winnows in front of her and hits her across the face. Lucien is fighting with his other brothers. Eris wraps his flames around her wrists and ankles.
Cassian and Azriel show up, they're both completely healed from what happened in Hybern. Cassian tells Eris to drop his lady. Feyre breaks free from Eris so Cassian can fight him. Feyre tells Eris that he and his brothers deserve to die but she will spare their lives. She takes the glamours off to show her tattoos and reveals she is High Lady of the Night Court. Then she tells Cassian to take them home. He flies with her and Azriel takes Lucien. She finally learns Lucien's last name is Vanserra.
They get back to the Night Court and Mor is there waiting for them. Rhys is far away but racing home. Rhys picked up on the bond minutes ago and sent them because they were closer.
Chapter 14: They all return to the town house. Amren is there, Lucien seems to know who she is and bows to her. Lucien asks where they are and she tells him it is Velaris, the City of Starlight. Rhys arrives and he and Feyre are finally reunited. Rhys tells everyone else to go somewhere else for a while.
Rhys reveals that when the bond went dark he thought she might have died. By the time he got to the Spring Court she was gone and he couldn't find her. She tells him about the faebane and why she couldn't contact him. Rhys reveals whatever she did in the Spring Court worked as Tamlin's sentries have abandoned him. Over half of his people refused to appear for the Tithe. She asks about Ianthe and Jurian - Jurian has returned to the King of Hybern.
She asks after her sisters and he tells her they are at the House of Wind. She asks where Rhys was and he says he was doing some of Az's work. He was in the human world, flying above the human queens palace. Feyre has a bath to clean all the dirt and blood off.
Then we get another Feyre and Rhys sex scene filled with them saying you're mine to each other over and over again.
Chapter 15: Her sisters haven't left the House of Wind since they arrived in Velaris. Lucien is being a pissy little bitch with Rhys about Feyre. Lucien and Rhys have it out and Rhys warns him to stop looking at Feyre with disgust and disdain - threatens to rip out his throat.
Feyre, Rhys, Cassian and Lucien head to the House of Wind. Feyre tells Lucien about how Rhys saved her life on Calanmai and explains everything that's happened since. Lucien is in shock, says he hasn't realised he'd been the villain in her narrative, she says he wasn't.
They find Nesta in the library reading. Cassian teases her and Nesta is being particularly unpleasant, she is very short with Feyre. Nesta says Feyre shouldn't be worried about her but should be worried about Elain. Elain won't eat, sleep or drink and she doesn't stop crying. Cassian has offered to train Nesta but she keeps refusing. Feyre notes Cassian looks at her sister with sorrow and longing.
She goes to see Elain and find her pale, thin and lifeless. She was supposed to be getting married in a week, all she keeps saying is she wants to go home.
Chapter 16: She tells Lucien to give Elain time. Tells him he can go visit the city if he wants but can't take her sisters or enter their floor. Then Rhys, Cassian, Mor, Azriel and Feyre head to see Amren. Amren tells Rhys that he should kill Beron and his sons so that Lucien can be High Lord of the Autumn Court. Cassian goes to the House of Wind every single day to see her sisters.
The Book of Breathings has been known to speak every now and again since being put back together. They say if Hybern is really working with Vallahan, Montesereand & Rask then they have little chance against him. They tried to get help from Drakon and Miryam but went to their island of Cretea and found it completely abandoned and in ruins. Rhys says Miryam died in the last battle but Drakon knew of a sacred, hidden island where an object of great power made by the Cauldron that could resurrect her and make her immortal.
Their plan is to convince the other territories to not join Hybern. Rhys went to Hybern and says the people are hungry for change. The King has let them fester and their resentment has grown. Mor says many High Fae believe humans are property and that many in Hybern long to have their slaves back. Hybern's people are for the war and the wall coming down. They also want Prythian to be made an example of for defending the Treaty. They've been working to plan information in the other territories, playing them against each other. They hope this keeps them too preoccupied protecting their own lands to be able to come and fight with Hybern.
Mor says something might be wrong with the Cauldron if they need to use an existing hole in the wall to bring it down, as the Cauldron should be able to do it on its own. They are currently looking to find a way repair the holes in the wall. Feyre might have the power to repair the holes as she has the power of the High Lords. Amren notes her sisters might have a better chance of doing it but Feyre doesn't want to involve them. Amren says she sounds like Tamlin and so Feyre finally agrees to ask them to help but she won't force them.
Rhys says he will send a message out to every High Lord to attend a meeting in two weeks as they need to get allies on their side.
Chapter 17: Feyre speaks to Cassian about Nesta and how she felt a difference in her when Nesta came out of the Cauldron. Asks if he has seen any hint of power from Nesta and he says no. Feyre asks what is going on with him and Nesta and he says he doesn't think Nesta will ever forgive him for what happened to Elain. He had made a promise to protect her and did not keep it. She asks him why he bothers with Nesta and he says he can't stay away.
They all have dinner together, except for Elain who won't leave her room. Mor tries to make an effort with Nesta and compliment her dress and Nesta just insults her in return. Nesta asks Amren why her eyes glow and Amren says it is the one part of her the containment spell could not get right. Says it is a glimpse of what lurks beneath. Amren asks what is beneath and Amren says that her and Nesta are the same. She says Nesta did not fit the mold they shoved her into. Amren tells Nesta that when she erupts to make sure it is felt across the world.
Lucien asks if Feyre will go to the meeting with the High Lords and she says yes. Ask if she will hide her powers while she is there, says his father would join Hybern if she thought he stood a chance at getting his power back from Feyre by killing her.
Chapter 18: Rhys needs to have a meeting in the Court of Nightmares to ask Mor's father Keir to fight in the war, as he has his own aerial legion. But he can't force him to join and he can say no if he wants to. Feyre reveals she wants to learn to fly, as she can use her shapeshifting power to give herself wings. Azriel offers to teach her, as he also had to learn later than most Illyrian's.
Feyre goes to see Nesta and tells her about the wall, the holes and the fact Nesta may be able to close it. Amren offers to show her how to do it. Nesta says she wants the King and the human queens dead by the end of the war and if they promise her they'll kill them all then she will help to fix the wall. Feyre asks Nesta to go to the High Lord meeting and tell them what was done to her but she refuses. She refuses to grovel to High Fae and tell them her story. Says if they even ask Elain she will rip their throats out.
Her and Rhys go for a walk and then agree that they will put on a united front together and not undermine each other in public as High Lord and High Lady. She tells him to be careful working with Keir because if he doesn't play it right he could really hurt Mor. Rhys tells her the meeting between all the High Lords will occur with a binding spell that forces them all into a cease-fire. If someone breaks it the magic would demand a steep cost.
Chapter 19: Cassian is angry with Feyre when they train, says her and Rhys lied to them and let them go into Hybern blind. They didn't tell them that she was High Lady and if he had known it would have changed everything. He says Hybern was a disaster and as High Lady she belongs to all of them and they would never have put her in so much danger if they had known. Cassian is angry that she gave herself up for them and didn't see herself as essential. She argues she isn't essential, that the rest of the Inner Circle have a duty and are vital but she isn't. He says they were all terrified for her the whole time she was in the Night Court.
Nesta appears so Feyre leaves to train with Azriel. She gives herself Illyrian wings and Azriel instructs her on how to make them more accurate. Trying to fly proves very painful and she realises she needs to strengthen her muscles.
Chapter 20: Feyre talks to Rhys about libraries, tells her the Fae burnt some rather than let humans gain access to them. They were scared humans would find spells to use against the Fae. Feyre says that humans don't have magic but Rhys says that some do, probably because they have distant Fae ancestors. Some half-fae and half-human children existed when the wall went up and they weren't treated well on either side of the wall, some were even killed. Some stayed in Prythian, deemed lower than lesser faeries and many had to find work selling themselves.
Rhys takes her to the library in the Night Court. She meets Clotho, a priestess, who she realises can't or won't speak. The library has a gaping hole that goes down and down, has level after level of books. Feyre asks what is at the botton and Rhy says he once dared Cassian to fly down there to see and he came back up terrified and has still never told Rhys what he saw.
Clotho takes them to a table where she has laid out books they might find useful. Feyre notices her hands are bent and twisted. Rhys explains that Clotho was attacked long ago by a group of males who cut out her tongue and smashed her hands. Rhys looked into her mind to see who did it and then allowed Mor to hunt them down. He says all the priestesses in the library have stories like Clotho and that the library is a refuge for them. Then Rhys tries to come on to Feyre and sleep with her in the library. But they agree to do what they came here to do, try to find more information on the wall.
One piece of information they find is that the wall was never made to last. Feyre asks Rhys if he could win a fight against the King, says he doesn't know the extent of the King's powers. Feyre says Hybern might have the numbers but they could get monsters. She wants to get the Bone Carver on their side, says they can find out what he'd be willing to give to go back home.
Chapter 21: Goes to see Amren and Nesta during their first lesson. Amren is showing Nesta how to shield her mind as they will be going to the Night Court with Rhys when he goes. That night Feyre has a nightmare of being UTM and her sisters being tortured while Amren takes Rhys to bed.
Chapter 22: Rhys, Feyre and Cassian head to the prison. Rhys has to leave her and Cassian there. Mentions that Cassian once put someone in the prison. Feyre asks Cassian about the Carver and he tells her there was life before High Fae and they would call them the old gods. The legend is that the Carver is one of them. He tells her the Carver is dangerous and they'd have to find a way to bind him to obey them before they let him out. No one knows how he ended up in the Prison.
Feyre goes in and still sees the Carver as the little boy and she realises he is showing her the son her and Rhys could one day have. She gives the Carver one of the Attor's bones. The Carver says he can smell his sister on Feyre, the Weaver is his sister. The Carver says the rock, darkness and sea all shuddered in fear at what happened on in the island across the sea when 'she' emerged from the Cauldron, they assume he means Nesta. He says the wind moans Nesta's name. She tells him they got the Book of Breathing and that they may find a spell to send him home.
Chapter 23: The Carver says he doesn't want to go home, his cell is where he wants to be. The Carver says he allowed them to trap him there. He says the Weaver is Stryga and his brother was Kosche. A long ago Fae warrior tricked Stryga into diminishing her power and becoming confined to the Middle. Kosche was confined and bound on the continent. He says that Fae was clever but her bloodline is long gone now but a trace still runs through some human line.
The warrior couldn't kill his siblings, they were too strong. He has already made his way to the Prison to hide from his siblings. He says they are all death-gods. Both of his siblings are stronger than him, says his sister found a way to eat life itself to stay young. The Bone Carver doesn't want to leave the Prison and remind his siblings that he is alive.
The Carver knows they are going to the Hewn City to ask Keir to fight with them. He tells her his sister had a collection of mirrors in her black castle. There was one mirror, the Ouroboros, a window to the world where all could be seen and told through its surface. He says Keir possesses it, it is now an heirloom of his household. He says if she brings him the mirror than he will be hers to wield if she finds a way to free them. Nesta could be like the Carver, either she is Death or her power comes from it.
Chapter 24: Elain is struggling to deal her her new fae senses, she finds it overwhelming. She is talking in half riddles. Lucien comes in to where they are and Feyre gets into his mind so she can hear his thoughts, as she is worried for Elain. Elain asks who he is and he tells her his name. Elain says he betrayed them in Hybern, he says it was a mistake. She tells him she is supposed to be getting married in a few days. She tells him that she can hear his heart beating through the walls when he is sleeping.
Lucien tells Feyre they need to get her sister out of the house. Feyre says she will send her to the town house. Lucien asks what Nesta is, what her power is. Nesta says she made the Cauldron give something back to her.
Feyre notices how Azriel and Elain get on. She asks Feyre why Elain and Azriel aren't mates when they are better suited, what determines it. Rhys says the mating bond can be rejected. Says it is easier for the females but the males it can drive mad and some believe they are entitled to the female. Will see her as belonging to them and challenge the male she chooses, which can end in death.
Chapter 25: Amren, Nesta, Rhys, Feyre, More and Azriel go to the Court of Nightmares. Rhys puts Feyre on the throne and tells everyone to bow to her. Nesta and Amren go off to find ancient objects for Nesta to practice on. Keir says he knows they are there to ask for his Darkbringer forces to join their army. Keir says he can sympathise with Hybern's cause. Keir says he has a price for joining them, he wants Feyre. Rhys reminds him that he can kill him. Rhys says he knew he'd be hesitant to join them so asks for someone to bring 'him' in - Eris walks in.
Chapter 26: Mor looks hurt and betrayed. Eris is willing to offer Keir an alliance in exchange for his help in the war. Keir says it is not enough, wants out of the mountain. He knows about Velaris after Hybern's attack on it and now he wants access for him and his court. Rhys says there would be conditions and restrictions.
Feyre tells Keir she needs the Ouroboros mirror. He laughs and says it can be their mating present if she can take it. He says to claim the mirror you have to look into it, any who have tried have gone mad or been broken beyond repair. Feyre asks how Eris came to be a part of this, he knew Rhys would come to see if he had told his father about Feyre and her powers. Rhys couldn't get into his mind to make him forget so agreed to work with him to protect Feyre.
Mor asks what he wants, another bride to torture. He says he doesn't know who fed her those lies and she says he never showed any evidence to the contrary and left her in the woods to die. He says there were forces at work she never considered. Feyre asks about Lucien and how Eris and his brothers hunted him down and helped kill his lover. Eris says she has no idea what happened. Eris says he wasn't there when they killed Lucien's lover, he refused. He reveals he was punished by his father for that and he was the one who stopped them killing Lucien and got word to Tamlin to get to the border to get Lucien.
Eris says his price for helping them is for them to support his bid to be High Lord of the Autumn Court. He also says Rhys can kill his father now and he will join them. Eris tells Mor he wouldn't have touched her if they'd got married. But after she slept with Cassian he knew why she did and so gave her the freedom she wanted by ending their betrothal. He says he regrets it. and says one day he might tell them why and what it cost him.
Chapter 27: Mor confronts Rhys about Eris and not warning her about the fact he was working with him. She is also angry that he has agreed to allow Keir in to her home as she believes he will destroy Velaris. Rhys assures her he has taken precautions - no business will serve Keir or anyone from the Night Court.
Amren finds out they went to see the Bone Carver again. They ask Amren how she got out and she says she had to give herself up to get out. Had to become something else entirely that the Prison would not recognise - so she bound herself in her Fae body. Amren says one day a rip appeared in the sky in her world. Her brother and sisters fled but she was curious and wanted to look. That was how she got trapped here.
She says they will need to do the same for the Carver to get him out - would need to make him Fae and she does't think he will agree to it. They ask if she can be unbound and she says not by her. Amren says if she ever is unbound she won't remember any of them. Says she was originally a messenger and soldier for a wrathful god in a young world. Amren isn't even her real name, she doesn't remember it.
Elain appears, said she could hear something, says she can hear "her" crying, that everyone thinks she is dead but she's not, she is changed like Elain. She says she saw old hands withered with age, a box of black stone and a feather of fire land on snow and melt it. She says it was angry that something was taken so took something from them as punishment.
Feyre asks Nesta what happened in the Hewn City with her and Amren. Says she took her to a room full of treasure and had Nesta look for weaknesses in their defenses but she failed at every time. Lucien tells her to get a healer to see Elain, she agrees.
Rhys come to see Feyre, he regrets his choice to work with Keir and Eris, regrets hurting Mor and that he made a bad call.
Chapter 28: Start getting responses from the High Lords. Helion agrees to come. Thesan says yes but only if it is a neutral and safe location. Kallias wants to bring armed guards. Spring, Autumn and Summer haven't replied. Mor says she has spoken to Rhys about Eris and Keir.
A healer comes to see Elain but finds nothing wrong with her. She says she can't enter Elain's mind as she is Cauldron-made. The healer suggests getting Lucien to help because if anyone can sense something amiss than it is a mate. Tells him to sit with her and see what he senses and picks up.
Chapter 29: Lucien tries to do what the healer suggested. Elain tells them "Twin ravens are coming, one white and one black."
All the High Lords have agreed to the meeting except Tamlin, they just need to pick a location.
Feyre is training with Az, still learning to fly. Azriel tells her that Cas and Rhys taught him to fly, he learned late as he was locked away for most of his childhood. He tells her that Rhys once brought a story back from a visit with Miryam and Drakon that he told to Azriel as a gift.
When Miryam freed her people from the Black Land, she led all 50,000 of them across the desert to the shore of the Erythian Sea with Drakon's aerial legion providing cover. The ships they'd arranged for transport had been destroyed. Drakon's people, the Seraphim, are winged like Illyrian's but theirs are feathered. Their women lead, fight and also rule. The Seraphim are all gifted with magic of wind and air. They cleaved the sea in two and made a path through the water.
They ordered the humans to run and Miryam insisted on remaining behind until all the humans had crossed. Halfway through crossing was when the enemy army reached them. The Seraphim fought the vanguard and during the bloody melee they did not see Miryam skewered by the queen. Drakon thought she had made it out so he ordered the parted sea to come down on the enemy.
A young Seraphim cartographer named Nephelle saw Miryam go down. Nephelle's lover noticed her and Miryam were missing. Nephelle reached her in time, just before the sea came crashing down. Nephelle was a cartographer because she'd been rejected from the legions fighting ranks because her wings were too small and the right one was malformed. Drakon let her try out anyway but she failed as she could barely carry her shield. So she became a valuable cartographer instead and Miryam's dearest friend.
Nephelle found Miryam bleeding out. Miryam told her to saver herself but she would not leave her. She picked her up and flew. It defied all logic and training but Nephelle managed to fly her across the sea floor, her small wings made her able to make it through the labyrinth of jagged rocks. Nephelle's lover made Nephelle her wife that night.
Rhys, Cassian and Azriel adopted the Nephelle Philosophy - that your greatest weakness can sometimes be your biggest strength. And that the most unlikely person can alter the course of history. Every year in Cretea they would host the Nephelle run to honour her and Nephelle crowns a new victor every year.
Chapter 30: Elain says to Cassian "he snapped your wing, broke your bones" and he says it will take more than that to kill him and Elain responds "No, it will not." (Cassian dying confirmed?)
Feyre takes Nesta to the library. Nesta tells Feyre she didn't realise Feyre never learnt to read. Feyre asks why Nesta pushes everyone but Elain away but before she can answer they feel a ripply and tremor. She grabs Nesta to winnow when two High Fae appear in gray jackets, they are Hybern's men. They blow faebane dust on Feyre, stopping her magic. Feyre notices one of the fae is dark haired and the other has light hair and they say they are the King's Ravens, his far-flying eyes and talons. They say they have come to take Nesta back. They say she took something from the Cauldron and the King wants it back, it is why he can't shatter the wall.
Chapter 31: Feyre tells them they made a mistake coming there. She grabs Nesta and runs for it, heading down instead of up to whatever creature lies below. The Ravens talk to them as they hunt for them, tell them about the mortal queens. They say the youngest queen was the first to go into the Cauldron but the Cauldron knew something had been taken from it and it was angry. The Cauldron gave the queen the immortality she wanted but it took her youth. She came out of the cauldron a withered crone. Now the other queens won't go into the Cauldron.
Feyre realises that Elain has been trying to warn them, had seem this or sensed it -they were the ravens she spoke of. She gets Nesta to run for it and blocks the path she took so they can't follow Nesta out. Feyre is in the dark and begs for something to help her. She hears a voice asks if she is High Lady and when she says yes it asks what she will give it. She asks what it wants, it says the stone and wall hear all and speak all. It heard of her desire to wield the Carver, to trade with him. It says that it knew the Carver long ago. She asks again what it wants and it says for her to send it company to tell it about life, she agrees. It then asks her if it should kill the two fae and she says yes, it tells her to close her eyes. Cassian comes for her, tells her not to look as she takes her and Nesta out.
Chapter 32: Rhys turns up and is covered in blood. Feyre notices she has a new tattoo to show her bargain with the creature. Rhys asks Nesta what she took from the Cauldron, she says she doesn't know. The wards on the library prevented Feyre from contacting Rhys. They only knew she was in trouble as Clotho rang the spelled bell in the library that went out to all of them, Cassian got there first.
Rhys shows her what happened, Cassian found Nesta first who told him where Feyre was and told him Hybern soldiers were there. Amren is preparing to hunt that night, check the city for others. Elain says the queen might come, the one who was cursed. the one with the feathers of flame. Azriel realises that the Cauldron made Elain a seer.
Chapter 33: Elain says the sixth queen is alive, the one they lied and said was ill. She says they sold her to some darkness, some sorcerer lord - she says she can't see what he is. Says he possesses an onyx box. He keeps other girls like the queen, by day she is one form and at night she is human again - a firebird by day and a human by night. Elain says the queen is near a lake, deep in the continent, hidden among the mountains and forests. He keeps all the girls at the lake. But the other women are different, they have white feathers. The sixth queen is young, mid twenties and is known as Vassa. She must pose a threat to the other queens if they turned on her. If they can find her she may be vital in convincing the human forces to fight. Lucien offers to go and find the sixth queen, says his eye can see things that others can't.
Chapter 34: Amren spent the night hunting in Velaris but didn't find any other Hybern assassin's or spies. Lucien leaves that day to try and find the sixth queen. Amren rushes in and says Hybern has attacked the Summer Court and is laying siege to is as she speaks.
Chapter 35: Prince Varian sent Amren a warning to prepare their defenses. Rhys says they can't leave Tarquin to face them alone. They are going to take their Illyrian legions to the Summer Court.
They arrive and realise no other courts have come to help. Mor and Feyre head to the palace to fight.
Chapter 36: They begin killing Hybern soldiers, saving lesser fae in the castle. They completely clear out the castle of Hyberns soldiers. She tries to get into Rhys's mind and see what he is doing, he is hunting whatever is causing a dampener on his powers. He locates the ship it is coming from, the King of Hybern is there.
Chapter 37: Rhys knew it was a trap to see which High Lord would come first. Feyre is in Rhys's mind, telling him to kill the King and be done with it. Rhys says it isn't that simple. The King is angry about what Feyre did to Brannagh and Dagdan. The King says it will take everything Rhys has to try and stop him and it won't be enough. He says he will take Feyre as she mourns over Rhys's corpse.
The King tells Rhys that there was room for everyone at the table - humans, High Fae, lesser fae, half-breeds in Rhys's world but only if they thought like him. But the King says Rhys looked down his nose at the loyalists. Says he has no interest spending another 500 years bowing before humans.
Rhys tries to attack the King but he is just an illusion, didn't actually come. The King says this is just a taste of what is to come. The King disappears and as he does so does the dampener on his magic.
Chapter 38: Feyre is out of Rhys' mind and is now vomiting. They head to the palace. She goes to see Tarquin, he thought they had come to help Hybern finish them off. He says he has heard what she did to Tamlin and the Spring Court, destroyed his territory and left the door wide open for Hybern, who docke in his harbour. He orders them to leave.
Chapter 39: Feyre falls asleep, wakes in a tent in their camp in Adriata where their wounded soldiers are being healed. Rhys says the King knows about them and their histories, that he picked the library because of what it meant to Rhys. Feyre tells Rhys he needs to stop playing his role with the High Lords and tell them the truth, especially as Velaris won't stay a secret for long now the King knows about it. They decide to keep Feyre's powers a secret, except for the ones she got from Rhys. Then in a war tent, while Feyre talks about the cries of soldiers outside laying dying or injured, she decides that's a great time to give Rhys head.
They head back to Velaris, Nesta asks about Cassian and seems worried about him.
Chapter 40: Feyre has Rhys take her back to the prison, tells the Carver to pick a different object. He says he wants nothing else. Rhys finally learns that the boy she sees is their future child, she shows him what he looks like.
Chapter 41: Meeting to take place in the Dawn Court, every High Lord has responded except for Tamlin. Amren says Nesta is close to figuring out how to seal the holes in the wall. Feyre is dressed for the meeting, has a crown she got the night before when Rhys took her to a room filled with the Night Court's treasures inside. Nesta tells them she has changed her mind and wants to come to the meeting.
Chapter 42: Nesta says she will come and giver her story to the Lords, doesn't want to be a coward. Rhys offers Nesta a job as his emissary to the human world, she says she will consider it. Nesta and Cassian have a moment.
They arrived at the Dawn Court for the meeting with the High Lords:
- Helion - High Lord of Day Court
- Kallias - High Lord of Winter Court
- Thesan - High Lord of Dawn
- Beron - High Lord of Autumn
- Tarquin - High Lord of Summer
Still not sure if Tamlin will come or not.
Chapter 43: Thesan has an aerial legion of Peregryns, they also have wings but they are feathered. They are distantly related to Drakon's Seraphim. One of the male Peregryn's is Thesan's lover. Feyre meets Kallias's wife Viviane, who Mor is good friends with. Viviane was childhood friends with Kallias, he had loved her his whole life. He managed to save her from being Under the Mountain. He got her to protect his people while he was gone. The day he returned from Under the Mountain he proposed, they were married and the mating bond snapped into place. Tarquin, Cressedia and Varian also come. Beron arrives and brings four of his sons and his wife. Tamlin winnows directly into the meeting room.
Chapter 44: Tamlin tries to blame Rhys for him making a deal with Hybern. He says if he hasn't stolen Feyre he wouldn't have had to go to desperate measures to get her back. He says he planned to find a way out of the deal once he had Feyre back. He then tries to humiliate Feyre by asking Rhys if he has noticed the noise she makes before she climaxes. Tamlin finally realises that Feyre is High Lady.
Tamlin asks the High Lords how they can think of working with Rhys after he stood by Amarantha's side for all those years. Tamlin says he is there to help against Hybern, has info on his movements and plans. Says that is why he let him into his lands. Gives them info on Hybern's armies, ammunition, stores of faebane and more.
Tamlin once again tries to insult Feyre and calls her spoiled goods and a whore. Rhys uses his powers to take away Tamlin's ability to speak.
Chapter 45: Tarquin rescinds his blood rubies, says there is no debts between them. Eris says Mor dresses like a slut - Azriel blasts through his shields and tackles him to the ground, strangling him. Feyre manages to get him to stop. Azriel whispers something in Eris's ear and then goes to sit next to Feyre.
Helion looks at the info Tamlin has brought and says they should destroy the King's supply of faebane first. Thesan brings in Nuan, his most skilled craftspeople - she was the one who made Lucien's mechanical eye. Nuan has found a solution to the faebane, has created an antidote, a powder that grants immunity.
Tamlin blames Feyre for turning his armies against him and leaving his land defenseless. He says the village she wanted to help rebuild is now just cinders. Tarquin offers to take Tamlin's people into his court so they can evacuate.
Feyre gets into a fight with Beron, who talks about Rhys being with Amarantha while him and the other High Lords were fighting to protect their families. Feyre loses her temper and fire shoots out of her and straight at Beron.
Chapter 46: Feyre sends more fire at Beron, and then water to. She is trying to kill him but Rhys finally gets her to stop. Beron tries to leave the meeting but Nesta speaks up and asks why he refuses to help against Hybern. Nesta says she went into the Cauldron and she saw the King's heart. She says he will bring down the wall and butcher those on either side of the wall. Beron says he will consider helping them and then he leaves. Viviane and Cresseida say they will fight with them - Tarquin, Kallias, Helion, Thesan and Tamlin all agree to join them too.
Chapter 47: Helion comes to visit them that night - is playful and flirty. Had put on an act at the meeting. Rhys explains that Helion likes males and females, he keeps trying to convince Mor, Cassian and Azriel to go to bed with him.
Helion believes Beron will choose to join them, says his people and wife remember the games he played in the first war that cost him dearly. His wife's sisters were butchered during the first war. When Hybern forces attacked their estate her sisters bought her time to run. She ran and was caught and trapped at a ravine. Helion saved her from them.
Feyre asks why Helion saved her. He says she was too young when she married, that it was an arranged marriage. Mor says she heard rumours that she delayed her wedding to Beron as she was waiting for a Fae she met at an equinox ball. But her family wanted internal ties to power and sold her to Beron. Feyre realises that Helion had an affair with Beron's wife, on and off for decades. She realises that Helion is Lucien's father and not Beron - she realises Helion doesn't know. Feyre thinks Beron and his sons may know, which would explain why they detest Lucien so much. Also explains why Eris doesn't want him dead, as he isn't actually a threat to his claim to the throne.
Nesta comes to get Feyre, she says they need to leave, that something feels wrong. Rhys and Az winnow away to check and find no sign of trouble and so they stay.
Mor seems to be flirting with Helion and takes him to her room that night. Feyre asks Rhys why she does it and he says: "They have had plenty of opportunities to confess what they feel."
Feyre remembers to tell Rhys that Tamlin burned his sister and mother's wings years ago.
Chapter 48: Feyre heard Mor and Helion having sex all night. The next day they go to another meeting, Nesta suddenly starts vomiting. Nesta says something is wrong, not with her but with the Cauldron. They feel a sudden shudder through the land. Rhys reveals the King had used the Cauldron to shatter the wall.
Chapter 49: Elain says they could evacuate their estate in the human lands and take them to Graysen's estate. His father has been planning for something like this for years. It has high walls, supplies and ash weapons. She asks Rhys to glamour her to appear human so she can go to Graysen and ask.
Cassian gives Nesta a dagger and advice on what to do if anyone tries to attack her. Feyre goes to see Amren to ask about the creature under the library. Amren tells her it is Bryaxis. She tells Amren she wants to make another bargain with it, needs her to examine the wards holding it.
Chapter 50: She takes Amren with her to talk to Bryaxis. Amren confirms she can beak the wards trapping him here. She asks if he will fight in the war for her if she frees him. He says the library is his home, he doesn't want to be free but just wants a window so her can see the sky. They agree to the deal.
Part Three: High Lady
Chapter 51: They all head to the Illyrian mountain camp site where Lord Devlon is. Devlon thinks Nesta is a witch, witches amass power beyond their natural reserve and use spells and archaic tools to harness more power to them and use it as they desire. Mor glamours Elain and they then head to the human lands. She tells the guards at Graysen's estate to tell him that Elain Archeron begs for sanctuary.
Chapter 52: They are taken to the guardhouse to wait for Graysen. It is a small space, which gets to Feyre and Nesta notices - she explains she has problems with small spaces now. Nesta reveals she hasn't been able to get in a bathtub since the Cauldron, she uses buckets instead.
Lord Graysen arrives with guards and his father Lord Nolan. Lord Nolan notices Nesta is Fae, tells him how she was kidnapped and turned against her will. They tell them about the Cauldron and the wall coming down. Elain begs them to open their homes to humans. Graysen said he'd believe her if she wasn't lying to him, he has already heard she is Fae too and that a High Lord's son is her mate. Jurian comes in, he is the one who told Graysen about Elain.
Chapter 53: Jurian has been pretending to be mad, pretending to be working with Hybern. Tells Rhys to look into his mind and see he is telling the trut - Rhys has conveniently not thought of doing that once this whole time. He says he wants to find Miryam and Drakon so he can apologise, also so they can ask them for help. Jurian reveals Tamlin rank back to Hybern after their meeting and Hybern now plans to attack the Summer Court the next day.
Chapter 54: Jurian reveals they didn't kill Vassa, they found a death lord with a penchant for enslaving young women who cursed her and stole her away. Elain tells Graysen her heart belongs to him but he says he doesn't want it, he demands his engagement ring back and says he will never marry her. Nesta slaps him round the face and says he never deserved Elain.
They do agree to allow humans to shelter on their estate. Jurian says he plans to go to the continent to sow seeds of discord amongst the queen's courts. He also tells them to hammer the left flank the next day as Hybern has put his untrained nobles there. Jurian congratulates Feyre on killing Brannagh and Dagdan. She says she did it for the Children of the Blessed that she killed and he says he knows, that's why he chose to trust her.
Chapter 55: They head back to the war camp to prepare for the attack the next day.
Chapter 56: They fly the Illyrian army to meet Hybern's forces on the border between Spring and Summer. Rhys cloaked all their and Keir's forces so they could surprise Hybern. They end up making Hybern's forces retreat, right to where Tarquin's forces are waiting. They surrender and Tarquin uses his powers to drown them all
They move the Illyrian camp to the border of the Winter Court. Cassian comes back with an injured wrist, which Nesta wraps for him.
They are digging a trench around the camp, have been there for 5 days. Hybern's forces have skirted them completely, heading for the Winter Court border. Varian wants them to march north but have Rhys glamour the camp to make it seem like they are still there. Feyre helps him with it.
They go to meet Hybern's forces but they're better prepared this time and they start to lose. Feyre realises she needs to find the Suriel to find the location of Hybern's true army.
Chapter 57: Feyre goes to Elain to ask her to find the Suriel for her, she says the Suriel is in the Middle, near the Weaver's cottage. She winnows there and finds the Suriel.
Chapter 58: She asks the Suriel where Hybern's army is, says it doesn't know and that the King is using the magic pf the Cauldron to cloak it. Suriel says she can use Nesta to track the Cauldron down as 'like calls to like'. Tells her that she can scry with bones to find it.
Feyre asks why the Cauldron did not react when she joined the Book and then spoke the spell. It says Feyre did not hold on long enough. Feyre says it was killing her and the Suriel says there is a cost to use it, so it would have drained the life from Feyre.
Feyre asks if there is another way, is told she would still need to get to the Cauldron to do it. She asks if nullifying the Cauldron would be enough to win, Suriel says it will be if they survive long enough to
battle afterward. Feyre asks if the Bone Carver will make a difference but the Suriel says she can't see him because he is not of this earth.
Feyre tells the Suriel that the Carver wants the Ouroboros and she asks if looking into it will drive her mad and break her, the Suriel says only she can decide what breaks her. Suriel tells her to tell Amren the answer lies on the second and penultimate pages of the Book and that together they hold the key.
Suriel is about to tell her what she needs to do to stop Hybern when an ash arrow suddenly bursts through her throat. Ianthe is there with two Hybern soldiers.
Chapter 59: Ianthe says she can't use most of her hand thanks to Feyre. Ianthe heard from Tamlin how Feyre caught the Suriel so she tried her methods but the Suriel would not tell her anything. So she gifted it a robe with a tracking spell on it that would be triggered if Feyre came to see it.
The Suriel lays dying and tells Feyre to run. Feyre runs, getting them to chase her and she leads them
to the Weaver's cottage.
Chapter 60: The Weaver knows she has seen her brother, can smell him on her. She asks Feyre who Feyre has brought to her, she says dinner. Feyre leaves, trapping Ianthe and the guards in with the Weaver. She runs back to the Suriel and it asks Feyre to stay with it while it dies. The Suriel came even though it knew about the tracking because it says Feyre is kind and fought her fear. Suriel says she told her to stay with the High Lord, she meant Rhys. She tells her to stay with him and she will see everything righted. The Suriel tells her to leave the world a better place than she found it. The Suriel dies and Helion finds Feyre there. She uses his cloak to cover the Suriel's body and then Helion takes her back to the camp.
Chapter 61: Cassian has been hurt, has a wound from his navel to his sternum and it will take him a while to fully heal. Rhys is angry as he gave Cassian an order to wait and he ignored it. Mor is angry at Feyre for leaving to go see the Suriel and not telling anyone. They start fighting about it and Mor has a go at her for lying and Feyre hits back, saying that Mor lies every day. She asks why Mor has never made a move on Az or why she took Helion to bed even though she didn't enjoy it.
Chapter 62: Amren arrives with the book and also bones and stones for Nesta to scry. Amren tells Nesta to pick them up and then think about the Cauldron. Nesta grips tighter on to the bones and they can't seem to get through to her. Feyre looks into her mind and sees Hybern's forces, huge and endless. She sees the King standing over a war map. The King has amassed his army at the edge of the human territory, close to their family estate. Varian shows up in the tent and kisses Amren.
Chapter 63: Feyre dreams of the Cauldron. She wakes and feels like something is wrong. She thinks her and Nesta opened a door and that the cauldron is watching them through it. The Cauldron knows where they are, they an hear it. Amren, Nesta and Feyre can all hear it as they were Made. They realise the Cauldron lured Elain away from the camp by showing her Graysen calling to her, promising he loves her. The Cauldron has taken Elain to the Hybern war camp.
Chapter 64: Azriel says he will get her back. Feyre says she will go with him. Feyre shifts to look like Ianthe and says she will walk right into the camp. Rhys can't go with her. Az and Feyre winnow near the camp, Az hides himself using his shadows and Feyre walks right in.
Chapter 65: In the camp they find a Children of the Blessed girl hung up on a rack, they've been torturing her. Jurian finds her and realises she isn't Ianthe but is Feyre. He tells her that Elain is safe and untouched for now. He says she is chained in the King's tent with steel and a spell from the book. Jurian says he will make a distraction so they can get her out. Feyre asks him to also get the Children of the Blessed girl for her. They grab Elain and run.
They run for the cliff Jurian told them to escape to and they find the Children of the Blessed girl there. They are close to the edge when Feyre is hit by an ash arrow. Two of the King's hounds are about to attack her when Tamlin comes to help her escape. Azriel tells her she will need to fly. He takes off with Elain and the other girl but one of the beasts jumps and injures his wings. Feyre manages to fly with a help from a breeze Tamlin creates for her. She looks back and sees Tamlin leap off the cliff and winnow away.
They all make it back to the Illyrian camp, both her and Az are injured. The girl they rescued is called Briar. Nesta appears, throws her arms around Feyre sobbing and thanks her. She is healed and then her, Elain and Nesta lay together like they did back in the cottage.
Chapter 66: Kallias's army has joined them at the camp. Azriel has been healed but he won't be able to fly for a while. Mor and Feyre talks, she tells Feyre that she was right, she doesn't love Azriel. She says she loves him like family but does not love him the way he loves her. She says she can't love him as she prefers females. Says she finds pleasure in both but prefers females and connects with them on a soul-deep level.
She never told her family as LGBTQ+ people are reviled by people in the Hewn City who only care about breeding. Says she slept with Cassian as she knew it would mean little to him, didn't pick Az as she knew how he felt about her. She says when Az found her that day with the note nailed to her womb he tried to confess how he felt and she panicked and just walked out.
Mor says she sleeps with men as she enjoys it but also as it stops people looking too closely. She says the bar Rita's is owned by someone like her. Mor says she has continued to hide that part of her because she is terrified her family will find out and shame/hurt her about the one thing that has remained wholly hers.
She says she took her first female lover during the first war, a female queen named Andromache. She was beautiful and she loved her. The queen had to continue the royal line so Mor left. When she realised her mistake and went to go back the wall had already been built. She tried to cross it for three years, by the time she did the queen had married a man and had a daughter. She ended up having five children and died an old woman. Says she has taken male and female lovers since but none has felt the same as Andromache.
She says Azriel is marvelous but if she ever slept with him he would think it was the start of their happy ending. She says she loves him enough to want him to find someone who can truly love him. Feyre promises to keep her secret until she is ready to tell. She asks why she slept with Helion, she says she did it to remind Az that she's not interested. Says she knows she should tell him (Yes, it has only been 500 fucking years! She could literally just tell him she loves him as a friend but nothing more)
Hybern's army is on the move, marching east. The King is planning to march on the human lands to spite Feyre and her sisters for what they've done. They plan to winnow to the human lands and winnow out as many humans as they can to Adriata. Amren comes in and says they need to face Hybern in battle and distract him so that Amren, Feyre, Nesta and Elain can get to the Cauldron. Elain has found a way to stop his whole army.
Chapter 67: They need to get to the Cauldron and touch it together. They can then use it to bind the King and his army and wipe them off the earth. They go to winnow the humans out and Feyre and Rhys go to her old village. Feyre knows she needs to get the Carver, so she winnows to the Court of Nightmares to face the mirror.
Chapter 68: She climbs a winding staircase of a thousand stairs that leads to the mirror. She looks into it and sees just herself until she notices a massive beast behind her, slowly inching towards her. Describes it as a beast of claws, scales and fur. It jumps at her and then disappears. When she looks back in the mirror she sees it and realises it is her, a reflection of what lies beneath her skin. She faces it in the mirror.
She brings the mirror to the Carver. He says he will uphold their deal and fight for them. He says he didn't need the mirror but she did. He wanted to see if she was worth helping and says it is rare to find a person who can face who they truly are and not be broken by it.
Chapter 69: Hybern has marched through the human lands, destroying as they go. They find Feyre's family estate destroyed. Azriel gives Elain his blade, Truth Teller. Az's wings are injured and Rhys has ordered him not to fight. Rhys says it is the first time he has seen Az let someone touch his knife. Rhys then gives a moving speech to everyone (but I'm dead inside and feel nothing!)
They go to face Hybern but are very outnumbered. Feyre reveals she got a tattoo as a mating gift to Rhys, it is down her spine and shows 4 phases of the moon.
As Hybern's shield around his forces comes down, Feyre lets her glamour go - it was hiding the Bone Carver and Bryaxis. The ink on her spine is the bargain. Suddenly the Weaver shows up, Rhys sent Helion to bargain with her. They will break her containment spell if she fights with them. All three creatures begin attacking Hybern's forces.
Chapter 70: The fighting starts and it is bloody. A horn sounds and three armies appear - Beron's, Tamlin's and Graysen's human army led by Jurian. Tamlin made Beron came, dragged him out by his neck. Eris's brothers work to destroy Hybern's stores of faebane.
Amren, Feyre, Nesta and Elain need to make their way through the battlefield to find the Cauldron. Nesta realises Hybern is rousing the Cauldron, Nesta begins screaming for Cassian. The King uses the Cauldron to completely destroy the Illyrian armies in the sky, turns them to ash. Nesta called for Cassian knowing he would come, saving his life. The King uses the Cauldron again, this time hitting and destroying the Carver.
Chapter 71: Feyre realises she and Amren will have to go to the Cauldron alone, without her sisters. Another horn blasts and an armada of ships appear on the horizon, more of Hybern's army. But then another horn blasts and they see thousands of winged soldiers heading towards them. And another armada is coming, with way more ships than Hybern's. They realise it is Drakon's legion and the ships are filled with Miryam's people.
Drakon appears and says they heard rumours of the war and jokes that Rhys could have asked for their help. When Rhys says he couldn't find them, Drakon explains they put a glamour on the island 300 years ago, anyone approaching would just see a ruin and be inclined to turn around. They had been on Cretea the entire time. Drakon reveals most of the armada isn't his, they met up with it on the way. He says it is led by a queen named Vassa, that Lucien is with her.
Feyre realises it was their father that found Vassa. Apparently he discovered the queens were traitors months ago and has been fathering an independent human army to face Hybern. He found Vassa and rallied an army. He told Drakon he had three daughter that he had failed for years and he would not fail them again. He named his three ships after Nesta, Elain and Feyre (Thanks SJM for the character redemption no one asked for/cares about!)
Chapter 72: Vassa is flying as a firebird. Nesta tells Feyre she can use her as bait to draw the King out. She says that it works both ways and the King doesn't know how much she took from the Cauldron and if she makes it look like she is about to use its power the he will come running to kill her. Cassian says he will guard her, Rhys is convinced they will both die.
Chapter 73: The Weaver is still alive, hidden near Hybern's forces and was waiting for Amren and Feyre to arrive. She creates a diversion for them by killing the King's guards. The King walks up to the Weaver and snaps her neck and throws her to two naga hounds. The King can sense Nesta's power and heads towards her.
Feyre and Amren reach the Cauldron and Feyre puts her hand on it. She realises that Amren has lied to her about whatever is about to happen.
Chapter 74: Amren says she is sorry for lying. Feyre can't let go, can see the Cauldron as it searches for Nesta. She sees Rhys fully shift into the beast he can become, says it is a thing of nightmares. Helion runs towards Rhys and shifts too. She sees through the Cauldron as it locates Nesta. The King winnows to them but Nesta doesn't unleash her power because the King is holding their father and has a knife to his throat. Her father tells her he loved her from the minute he held her as a baby and he is sorry for everything. She begs the King not to kill him, he asks what she will give and she says she will give back what she took. The King kills their father, snaps his neck.
Cassian begins fighting with the King but he is losing. Nesta tells the King she is going to kill him. The King brings his foot down on Cassian's wing, snapping bone. Nesta's power explodes out of her and at the King but he winnows away. Nesta grabs Cassian's sword and turns to the King but he quickly disarms her and strikes her across the face. She sends another bolt of power at the King, sending him flying back (I wish this man had a name!)
Nesta tries to get Cassian up, is sobbing at him to get up before the King comes back but he can't. Cassian tells her to go but she says she can't. Cassian says he has no regrets other than that they did not have more time together. He kisses her and tells her he will find her in the next life. Nesta covers Cassian's body with her own as the King returns. As the King goes to kill them he suddenly stops, Nesta looks up to see a blade is through his throat. Elain has stabbed him with Truth Teller.
Chapter 75: Nesta gets up and goes to the King, grabs the blade and twists it into his beck - eventually she beheads him. Nesta then lifts his head up and stares at it. Feyre realises that even with the King dead, his armies will still overwhelm them. Amren is telling Feyre to fight against the Cauldron.
Amren reveals the Suriel gave her the message for Amren but it was for the spell that would unbind them. Once she is in her real form she can wipe out Hybern's armies. Varian appears and tells Amren not to do it. Feyre reminds her that she will be gone if she does it, she won't remember them once she is freed. Amren says there were humans in her world to and she used to watch them. She things being sent here was a gift, her time with them was a gift. She tells Varian she thinks she learned to love with him. Amren gets into the Cauldron and tells Feyre the spell she needs.
The Cauldron shatters into three pieces and then they see Amren, describes her with great, burning wings and a crown of light floating above her flaming hair. She begins destroying Hybern's forces. She wipes them all out but she fades away, her power spent.
Chapter 76: Feyre feels the Cauldron, looks inside the ruins of it and can see a void, a growth. The fissure inside the Cauldron is growing and will destroy everything. Rhys tells her she needs to remake the Cauldron, to forge it anew. But Feyre says her power is spent. Rhys says she can use his power. She takes his hand and grabs the Cauldron. She uses the spell Amren gave her and with Rhys's power she begins to forge, weld and bind the Cauldron. She keeps needing more of Rhys's power and he gives it to her and tells her he loves her. She heals the Cauldron, but can feel his power start to sputter. She manages to finish it but when she turns around she finds Rhys sprawled dead on the ground (We all try to act shocked/devastated and like we don't already know she will bring him back)
Chapter 77: She realises he knew he was dying and it was why he told her he loved her, he was saying goodbye. Feyre shouts at the High Lord's to bring him back like they did her but they say it is not the same thing as she was human. She says she doesn't care, tells them to do it. Tarquin goes first and then the others. Thesan explains to Feyre how to do it herself, so she does. Then Tamlin comes and she begs him, she says she will give him anything. He tells her to be happy and then drops the last kernel of power into him.
She holds Rhys and tells him about how she fell in love with him. Rhys finally comes back to live, makes a joke and tells the High Lord's they'll be happy to know his power remains his own and didn't gain any of theirs. Rhys tells her there is another surprise and tells them to get Amren out of the Cauldren. She was there while the Cauldron was sealing and going wherever the dead go, so Rhys reached out a hand to her to see if she'd come back. Feyre realises what Amren has given up to come back to them, she is now just a normal High Fae.
Chapter 78: Elain. Nesta and Feyre go to their father and say a prayer then burn his body. Lucien comes, says he has a lot to tell her. Reveals her father struck a deal with Vassa's keeper so she could come temporarily. She is still cursed though so is only human at night. Feyre notes the queens are still out there, Lucien says not for long if Vassa has anything to do with it. Elain invites Lucien to come to Velaris with them. Feyre goes to her tent and finds Rhys inside with Drakon and Miryam.
Chapter 79: Drakon and Miryam fought with Jurian but Mor convinced them not to kill him. Feyre asks them if they can hide the Cauldron in Cretea and they agree. They then have a giant meeting between all the High Lord's, princes, humans and fae. Feyre finally gets to see Nephelle, the legendary warrior Azriel told her about. She meets Vassa, who tells her their father was a great man and she will owe him as long as she is alive. She asks if Feyre can break the curse on her and she says she will try. Feyre has called them all together to renegotiate the Treaty.
Chapter 80: She tells them all her story, then Miryam and Drakon and then several others. They don't agree anything yet. Jurian comes to speak to Feyre, says Vassa offered him a place in her court. They finally head back to Velaris. Nesta is now back to being quiet and not talking to any of them. Feyre gave Lucien a note for Tamlin to say thank you and to wish him happiness to, asks him to give it to him if he ever sees them.
Chapter 81: Rhysand's POV: Just him listening to all his friends talk and laugh. (Thanks Sarah, just what this 700+ page book needed was more pages of nothing)
Chapter 82: Feyre goes to find Rhys on the roof, in the red lacy underwear they once joked about her buying. He tells her he heard her in death and it made him hold on. They make a bargain that when it is time to go they go together. He tells her Bryaxis has vanished, they will have to hunt him down at some point and return him to the library. Then her and Rhys go flying over Velaris together.
The End
Hahahaha I came here because I had checked out the audible from my library using Libby and didn’t realize it was set to return this morning… I only had 20 minutes left to listen to and now there’s a 6 week wait for it 😭 I don’t want to pay for the audible for just 20 minutes so I figured I’d look for some chapter synopses to see what I missed, read this, and laughed about chapter 81. Thanks for helping alleviate my sadness over missing the last couple of chapters 😂