I have made no secret of the fact that I have a horrible memory when it comes to books. I can remember how a book made me feel, how I felt about it and what I rated it. I fail miserably at remembering anything more then the most basic details about a book unless I've read it more than once. I have started doing updates as I read over on Instagram and this really helps me: check those out here.
I did a complete chapter by chapter series recap for the Throne of Glass books so that with each new release I could just go read through it without having to reread all the other books again. It was super useful and you can check it out here. Be warned: I wrote these with myself in mind so do throw in comments here and there and some thoughts I have.
I am now going to do the same for the ACOTAR series as I wait for the next book, and will continue to do it with each new book released. I hope you find this useful, I will be summing up every single chapter and including all details that are mentioned. FYI: I also have a habit of saying man/woman rather than male/female for the fae sometimes and this also may have some spelling mistakes as I typed it up quite quickly.
Crescent City recaps:
ACOTAR recaps:
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Chapter 1: Feyre is out hunting in the woods, has gone further in than she would usually go as she is quite desperate. Feyre mentions she has been sleeping with a guy named Isaac Hale. Sees a deer enter the clearing, this could feed her family for at least a week. Then she sees a wolf approaching, she notes it is enormous, around the size of a pony and unnaturally stealthy - she thinks it could possibly be a faerie. She says that fae hate iron but it is ash wood that slows down their immortal healing powers and makes them easier to kill - she has one ash wood arrow on her. She waits for the wolf to take down the deer and then she shoots and kills the wolf. She skins the wolf and then carries the pelt and the deer home.
Chapter 2: Elain and Nesta are her older sisters - Feyre is 19, Elain is 20-21 and Nesta is 22. All three are described as having gold-brown hair. Nesta is described as cruel, whilst Elain is described as sweet. Neither seems to really help Feyre, she is the one who keeps the family fed. Her fathers leg is injured, creditors once broke his knee when he lost his wealth and couldn't pay them. Nesta resents their dad, believes he could work and help them more if he wasn't so ashamed.
Nesta is described as quite mean, judgmental and unappreciative of all Feyre does for them, without Feyre they would all starve. Their mother died years before, Feyre describes her as a cold woman who did not love her children and only loved their father. On her deathbed she made Feyre promise to look after her family, Feyre was the youngest child and only about 8 at the time. She still doesn't understand why her mother made her promise and not her father.
Tomas Mandry, a woodcutter's son, wants to marry Nesta but Feyre does not approve of it.
Chapter 3: Elain, Nesta & Feyre head into the village so that Feyre can sell the wolf and deer hides. They are stopped by a member of the Children of the Blessed - those who still worship the fae.
Feyre approaches a woman mercenary who agrees to buy the pelts and overpays for them. She tells Feyre that someone once did the same for her and she believes now is the time to repay that. The mercenary warns her that she should not hunt close to the wall that separates the humans from the fae world.
The High Fae had once been the humans overlords and had kept them as slaves. But the humans had rebelled and a war had ensued. It took 6 mortal queens crafting a treaty for the slaughter to stop and the wall to be constructed - the North for the fae and the South for humans. More and more creatures seem to be coming past the wall and into the humans land.
We learn Feyre has been sleeping with Isaac on and off for two years - uses it as an escape but doesn't have feelings for him.
Chapter 4: A monster has broken into their home, the creature is as big as a horse with golden fur and a wolfish head. He demands to know who killed the wolf. Feyre thinks about lying but she has heard that fae can't tell lies and she is also worried they might be able to detect them too. Feyre notes that Elain might be able to escape because Nesta would give her time to run, Nesta would go down swinging to protect Elain.
Feyre admits that she was the one who killed the wolf, which was actually a faerie. The monster informs her the treaty demands a life for a life. He tells her it demands he claim her life but that doesn't mean he has to kill her. He tells her she can either be killed by him or she can go with him and spend the rest of her life in Prythian, the fae world. Feyre agrees to go with him and live in the fae world.
Feyre gives her father advice on how to survive now that she won't be there to hunt for them. She tells Nesta not to marry Tomas - says that his father beats his wife and none of the children do anything about it.
Before she leaves her father tells her she was far too good for them and if she ever manages to escape she should not come back to them, instead she should go off and make a name for herself.
Chapter 5: Feyre goes with him, is scared about how she will be treated. He tells her the treaty forbids the fae from keeping human slaves. High Fae rule Prythian, it is divided into 7 courts and each is ruled by a High Lord of unyielding power. The beast uses his magic to knock Feyre out and keeps her unconscious for days until they arrive at his estate.
Chapter 6: Feyre notices it is Spring where they are and not winter like it should be. The beast takes her to a dining room, with a table filled with food and drink. The beast sits down and as he does he transforms into a golden-haired, green-eyed fae male - she realises he is a High Fae. His nose, cheeks and brow are covered by an exquisite golden mask - this is Tamlin.
A red-haired male fae enters - also wearing a mask. She learns the fae she killed was called Andras. She notes the red-haired fae is missing an eye and has a carved, golden orb in its place. Also has a scar running from his brow to his jaw. His name is Lucien.
Tamlin asks his maid Alis to take Feyre to her room, where Alis tries to get her to change into a dress but she refuses. She is instead given trousers and a tunic - thinks it will be easier to fight/escape if she is wearing this and not a dress.
Chapter 7: Tamlin looks close to Feyre in age but fae are immortal and so she doesn't know how old he actually is. She asks Tamlin what he wants with her and he says nothing, tells her she can do what she wants with her life in Prythian. She begs to go back to her family, says they will die without out. He assures her that her family have been well taken care of.
Feyre asks why Andras was in the human realm, he tells her there is a sickness in Prythian that has been there for almost 50 years now. He says the blight is slowly spreading through Prythian and it makes magic act strangely. He tells her the masks they wear are a part of it - the result of a surge of magic that happened during a masquerade 49 years ago and they are now unable to remove them. The magical blight could eventually spread to the human world.
Chapter 8: Feyre is still desperate to get back to her family despite Tamlin assuring her that he taking care of them. Feyre reveals her mother died of typhus when she was 8. She steals a knife from dinner that night.
Chapter 9: Feyre wants to speak to Lucien, believes he might help her get back to the human world as he hates her being there as she killed his friend. Lucien asks Feyre to go with him on patrol. He tells her he knows why she asked to speak to him and that if it was up to him she'd already be gone but there's no way out of the treaty.
Feyre tries asking Lucien about the blight, doesn't say much but does mention an elusive 'she' that they all seem frightened of. He explains that Tamlin can shapeshift but not the other people in his court, he can however turn them in to other creatures which is why Andras was a wolf when Feyre saw him.
Lucien also mentions a creature called the Suriel which will answer any question you ask of them if you trap one. He tells her the Suriel are old and wicked. Lucien then suddenly tells her to stay still, look straight ahead and no to react at all.
Chapter 10: Feyre can feel that a creature is near her, it tells her how it will kill her and is shouting at her to look at it. She can sense that she shouldn't do as it asked so she ignores it. The creature is the Bogge, once you look at it it becomes real and can kill you. Tamlin goes to hunt it down. Whilst waiting for him to return, Feyre looks out her window and sees her father in the garden.
Chapter 11: Feyre thinks her father has come to rescue her. Tamlin catches her before she can go to him, he tells her it isn't her father but a creature that can turn into anything she desires in order to lure her in and kill her. She tells Tamlin again that she wants to go home, she tells him about the vow she made to her mother. He explains she hasn't broken her vow as her family are now very well cared for. Tells her the creature that tried to lure her outside was a puca. That night Feyre dreams of killing the wolf, it transforms back into a fae as she kills it.
Chapter 12: Feyre begins to make a map of Tamlin's estate, she can't read or write but can draw the map. Tamlin comes back, he has killed the Bogge but he is hurt. Feyre helps patch him up in the infirmary.
She then overhears Tamlin and Lucien fighting. She isn't sure what they are arguing about but Lucien accuses Tamlin of not even trying. He also says to Tamlin that "For someone with a heart of stone, yours is certainly soft these days." Tamlin says he can't stomach 'it' after what his father and brother used to do to humans.
Then Tamlin comes to talk to Feyre, he asks her if anyone has ever taken care of her and she says no. Tamlin reveals that he knows she took a knife at dinner. He then takes Feyre to his study.
Chapter 13: She tells Tamlin she can't read because her mother neglected her children's education. She is currently trying to teach herself to read, has been keeping a list of all the words she doesn't know. Tamlin offers to help her write a letter to her family if she wants.
She finds a mural in his study that shows a cauldron held by female hands that is tipped over and has words spilling out of it, forming their world. The mural depicts the war between fae and humans. It was shows the seven Courts: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Dawn, Day and Night.
Feyre goes to see Lucien to try and find out how she can trap the Suriel. He says they have a weakness for groves of young birch trees in the western woods and also a weakness for freshly slaughtered chickens. He says they wouldn't notice a double-loop snare rigged from the grove that would pin its legs. Says she would also need a bow, quiver and knife and to run like hell once she frees it. Tells her to run across a river once she has freed it. Tells her he might even be close enough to hear her scream if she needed help.
Chapter 14: She sets up the trap and captures a Suriel - describes it as a tall, thin, veiled figure in dark robes. She asks it if there is any way for her to go home, it says not unless she wants her and her family to be killed. Asks what the Suriel knows about Tamlin and it asks her to be more specific as it knows a lot about the High Lord of the Spring Court - Feyre finally realises that Tamlin is High Lord.
Feyre asks what can be done about the blight and the Suriel tells her to just stay with the High Lord.
The Suriel tells her that across the sea is the faerie world of Hybern that is ruled by a powerful King. No humans exist there anymore as they were all killed. The King has a throne made out of human bones. The King of Hybern is unhappy with the Treaty. 100 years ago he sent his most loyal commanders to Prythian to wage war against the humans. They infiltrated the High Fae courts for 50 years but then one of his commanders betrayed him - they are now known as the Deceiver.
Suriel says they aren't alone, it tells Feyre to free it and run back to the manor and stay there. Tells Feyre the naga are coming, faeries made of shadows, hate and rot. Feyre goes to free the naga when four naga appear.
Chapter 15: Feyre screams to alert Lucien that she needs his help. She frees the Suriel and then fires an arrow at one of the naga and then runs. She is eventually surrounded by the other three naga and is attacked by one that she then stabs in the neck with a knife. Tamlin arrives in time to save her and kill the naga.
Chapter 16: Alis tells Feyre about her family: her sister and her ssister's mate were murdered almost 50 years ago and left two children behind and she raised them. Lucien reveals to Feyre that faeries can in fact lie, iron does nothing to them.
Tamlin once again offers to help Feyre write to her family and tells her they are fools for not seeing how much she did for them. Tamlin reveals that some faeries used to be close to humans and actually fought on their side during the war, which was how the humans survived so long and were able to get the Treaty.
Tamlin reveals that Feyre's family have absolutely no memory of the day he came for her. He glamoured their memories and so they believe a long lost aunt called Feyre away to care for her as she was sick. Also made sure they believe they heard a rumour of a threat from Prythian so that they know to run if they need to.
Feyre asks Tamlin for some paints and tells him she enjoys paining. He tells her he has a gallery in the manor that is closed up but he will show it to her once it is cleaned.
Chapter 17: Feyre is woken up by screaming. Tamlin comes in carrying an injured faeries that has had its wings cut off. The faerie is from the Summer Court and was dumped on their border. The faerie says 'she took my wings'.
Feyre helps hold the faerie down while Tamlin tries to heal him but it is no use. The faerie bleeds out and dies. Feyre then apologises for killing Andras, tells Tamlin she regrets that there was so much hate in her heart at that time.
Chapter 18: Tamlin and Lucien take Feyre to a beautiful glen in the Spring Court. Tamlin shows her a nearby pool where the water is starlight. He tells Feyre a little more about Lucien.
Lucien is the youngest son of the High Lord of the Autumn Court and he is one of seven brothers. He says the Autumn Court is cut throat, like in every other Court the person who inherits the Court is the strongest and not the oldest. Lucien never cared to rule or fight for the title.
Lucien fell in love with a faerie woman that his father did not approve of so he had her executed and made Lucien watch. Lucien left, abandoning his title and Court and went to the Spring Court. Three of his brothers went after him to kill him but only one came back alive, Lucien killed one and Tamlin killed the other. Tamlin claimed Lucien as his own and named him emissary for the Spring Court.
Feyre decides to go swimming in the pool, a response to Tamlin teasing her. Tamlin asks Feyre about her family and how they lost their fortune. She tells him her father was known as the Prince of Merchants, a name he inherited from his father. Says it was all a lie, a good name that masked three generations of bad debts.
Her father found an opportunity to pay off his debts. 8 years ago he sank his whole wealth into 3 ships that were to sale to Bharat for invaluable spices and cloth. But all the ships sank and they were left for nothing. Creditors came and when he couldn't pay them they broke his knee while Feyre watched and screamed at them to stop.
Lucien admits to Feyre that he heard her screaming and hesitated for a few seconds before trying to come save her. He gives her a jeweled hunting knife.
Chapter 19: Tamlin takes Feyre to see the gallery, she cries. Feyre then spends weeks painting but feels guilty about it, Tamlin tells her not to. She cuts her hands on the thorn of a rose and Tamlin kisses the wound so it heals. Tamlin tells Feyre that he finds her human joy fascinating.
Feyre goes for a walk in the woods and feels like someone is following her, so she sets up a snare and captures Tamlin. Tamlin gives her some poems he has written, reads them out to her - they use all the words she wrote down that she didn't know how to read.
Feyre asks Tamlin about his parents, as he tells her they were mated rather than married. He tells her that faeries do get married but if they are lucky they meet their mate, who is their equal in every way and the bond is so deep that marriage feels insignificant.
Tamlin tells her that his father and two brothers were even worse than Lucien's. They all kept humans as slaves and they treated them terribly. But his mother loved his father and wouldn't have said a bad word against him, despite everything he did.
Tamlin joined his fathers war band when he was old enough to, his power kept growing and growing over time. He says his whole family was killed by a different High Lord and this left Tamlin to become High Lord of the Spring Court. Many courtiers weren't happy about it as he hadn't been trained to be High Lord and so they defected.
They come across bonfires that are being built. Tamlin tells her this is for Calanmai (Fire Night) which is a Spring ceremony where they create magic to help regenerate the land for the year ahead. Tells her they create the magic with a ritual.
Tamlin tells Feyre to stay hidden no matter what she hears. She watches as Tamlin and Lucien talk to someone who is invisible to her. Hears the thing say "Though you have a heart of stone, Tamlin... you certainly keep a host of fear inside it." The creature is the Attor.
Chapter 20: It is now Calanmai and Tamlin says he must partake in the Great Rite. He tells Feyre to go to her room, lock the door, set a snare and not to come out until morning. But she gets curious and heads down to the bonfires.
She is grabbed by three faeries who say they will have their fun with her. Someone grabs her shoulders and says they've been looking for her. The fae who pretends to know her seems to scare the other three away very easily. She turns to him and says he is 'the most beautiful man I'd ever seen'
Chapter 21: The High Fae who saved her has black hair and deep blue/violet eyes. He saves her and then leaves. Lucien finds her and tells her she has to go. He quickly runs her back to the manor and explains that the crops in the Spring Court rely on the magic regenerated on Calanmai. He tells her that all seven High Lords perform the Great Rite every year.
He tells her Tamlin will allow a great and terrible magic to enter his body and soul. It will turn him into the Hunter and fill him with the sole purpose of finding the Maiden and their coupling will release the magic. While he is under the spell of the magic he will only think of finding the Maiden.
Tamlin first needs to hunt down and kill the white stag and then he will go to the sacred cave where all the females will be lined up and waiting for him to choose one of them as his Maiden. Feyre mentions that there were loads of male fae there too - Lucien says that Tamlin isn't the only one who gets to perform the rite. Lucien says she is lucky he found her because if he hadn't then Tamlin would have claimed her.
Later that night Feyre leaves her room to go and get her snack. Tamlin finds her and pins her up against the wall. He says he smelled her at Calanmai and tried to find her. Says that when he wasn't able to find her the magic made him pick another fae to sleep with. Tells her he would have been gentle with her.
Tamlin bites her neck to keep her pinned to the wall and tells her to not 'disobey' him again. Feyre has the realisation that she wants Tamlin.
Chapter 22: Feyre wakes up and has a bruise on her neck from where Tamlin bit her the night before. They fight at breakfast that day. Tamlin then brings her roses and apologises. Feyre finally puts on a dress for dinner that night because she wants to impress Tamlin. Tamlin tells her she looks beautiful.
Feyre takes Tamlin to see all the paintings she has gone. She did a painting of the glen and the pool he took her to. Also has paintings of parts of her life - the cottage she grew up in, of her and Isaac, of her dad having his knee broken. He asks for the painting she did of the woods she used to hunt in.
Feyre asks Tamlin if there is anything she can do to help with the masks and whatever is happening to their magic. He says there is nothing she can do, nothing he wants her to do. He says: "I want you here, where I can look after you - where I can come home and know you're here, painting and safe."
She goes to bed that night and doesn't lock her door for the first time.
Chapter 23: Feyre and Tamlin are laying in the grass together. Tamlin tells Feyre he has a way to allow her to see the world as the fae do, says he will do it for a kiss. She agrees and he then kisses her eyelids. Sees the world as they do, it becomes richer and clearer. She tries to take off Tamlin's mask but of course she can't. Then Feyre falls asleep in the grass.
Chapter 24: Feyre wakes up and can now see way more fae in the Spring Court, ones that look less human than the fae she is used to seeing. Tamlin had glamoured them before so she couldn't see them as he thought they'd frighten her. Alis looks different to her now, has skin like tree bark.
Feyre finds the head of a High Fae on a pike on a fountain statue in the gardens. The head has been branded with the Night Court sigil. They tell Feyre the Night Court is filled with sadistic killers. Tamlin tells her this is probably the High Lord of the Night Courts idea of a joke and a way to tell them he is waiting for their wards to break more.
Chapter 25: It is now Summer Solstice, another celebration and Feyre puts on another dress for the occasion. It is a day filled with celebrating, singing, dancing and drinking. Feyre drinks faerie wine, despite Tamlin warning her not to. Tamlin finds her and takes her to see the Will-o-the-wisps. They then dance together and then kiss. They then sit and watch the sunrise together and then kiss again.
Chapter 26: Lucien receives a letter from someone in the Winter Court - it says the blight took out two dozen of their younglings, it burned through their magic and broke apart their minds. Every Court is affected by it except the Night Court.
Suddenly Tamlin has Lucien hide Feyre in the corner of the room, Lucien stands in front of her. The fae she met on Calanmai appears - Tamlin calls him Rhysand and also calls him Amarantha's whore.
Feyre realises that Rhysand is the High Lord of the Night Court and he refers to the severed head as a gift. Rhys notices Feyre's plate on the table and realises they have glamoured him. He gets rid of it and can now see Feyre, asks who she is. Lucien lies and says that Feyre is his betrothed.
Rhysand calls Feyre mortal trash and uses his powers on her to look into her mind. He tells Tamlin that Feyre thinks about him in a sexual way. He also tells Tamlin that she would have been the one for him but it is too late. He says that Amarantha will enjoy breaking her.
Tamlin begs him to not tell Amarantha about Feyre, Rhysand makes Tamlin beg on his knees. Rhysand asks Feyre for her name, she lies and tells him it is Clare Beddor - the name of a girl from her village. Rhysand then leaves.
Chapter 27: Tamlin tells Feyre that he is sending her home, tells her there are people who will want to hurt her because of what she means to him. He tells her she won't have to leave forever but she doesn't believe him. She says life will be easier with her gone because she is 'covered in thorns'. Feyre then kisses him and takes him to bed where they have sex. Tamlin tells Feyre he loves her 'thorns and all'.
Chapter 28: She gets ready the next day and she notes that Lucien seems very angry with her about it and tells her he thought she was smarter than this. Before she leaves Tamlin once again tells her he loves her but she doesn't say it back.
The carriage she is in takes her to a fancy chateau that she notes has servants. She finds Nesta and Elain there. Elain asks her about aunt Ripleigh, the long lost aunt they believe she was helping. Feyre pretends that she died and left Feyre her fortune.
Elain reveals to Feyre that a week after she left a stranger appeared and asked their father to invest him money for him. He gave them a trunk of gold just for agreeing. Her father doubled the mans investment in a month. Their fathers ships were also suddenly found too - Feyre realises that Tamlin did all of this. Now her family have their wealth back. Feyre notices that Feyre is watching her a lot and is very quiet.
Feyre feels like she made a mistake by agreeing to leave Tamlin. She remembers that the Suriel told her to stay with the High Lord.
Chapter 29: Tamlin had sent Feyre back with a trunk filled with jewels. She also finds out that Tamlin found a way to get a magic salve to her father that has helped make his injured leg better and improved his limp.
Elain says that when they got their fortune back and begun attending balls and parties again, people acted as if they'd never been gone. She tells Feyre that Nesta didn't finish the seaason, stopped attending all the balls and wouldn't talk to anyone. She also tells Feyre that Nesta went to visit Feyre and was gone for a whole week.
Feyre has a lot of money now so she takes some of it with her and sets off for the village they used to live in.
Chapter 30: Feyre goes and hands out bags of gold to the poorest families in the village. She overhears Tomas Mandray talk about a house that burned down a week before with the family trapped inside. She sees Isaac with his new wife, they smile at each other and Feyre notes that she feels nothing for him and just wishes him well.
Feyre's father plans to host a ball in her honour. Nesta comes to talk to Feyre and asks why she is bothering to stay with them. Nesta reveals that the glamour didn't work on her, it only worked on Elain and their father.
Nesta says she went after Feyre, she trekked for two days to the wall but could not find a way to get through it. Nesta had paid the mercenary from the village to take her to the wall so she could go after Feyre. She reveals she gave up on Tomas Mandray when she realised he wouldn't go with her after Feyre.
Feyre notes that Nesta shrouded the grief of losing her mother and everything else that happened in icy rage and bitterness but she had still loved and cared for Feyre. Feyre tells Nesta everything that happened while she was gone.
Nesta says that she hates their father for never doing anything to help them, for doing nothing as they almost starved to death. She also hates him for allowing their mother to die - says he could have gone to the fae for a cure but he didn't. Nesta says Feyre would have gone to the ends of the earth to save her High Lord and Feyre agrees.
Chapter 31: Feyre's father mentions that he hopes to buy the Beddor land when it goes up for sale. Feyre asks what happened and finds out that their house burned down with the family inside and they all died. Apparently every body was found except for Clares. Clare Beddor was the name that Feyre gave to Rhysand when he asked who she was. She doesn't think it is a coincidence, thinks the fae came for the family.
Feyre tells Nesta that she thinks something might be happening in Prythian, warns her to hire guards for their home and to run if they need to. Nesta tells Feyre to not come back from Prythian, tells her the family can take care of themselves.
Feyre makes it make to Tamlin's manor and sees the gate has been ripped open and the manor has been trashed and Tamlin and everyone else is gone.
Chapter 32: It seems as if a fight took place in the house. Feyre finds Alis still in the house, she tells Feyre that Tamlin and Lucien are still alive. She tells Feyre that they have been taken to Amarantha Under the Mountain.
Alis explains that Amarantha is the High Queen of Prythian. Prythian used to only be ruled by the 7 High Lords until Amarantha arrived 100 years ago as an emissary of the King of Hybern. She was the King's most lethal general and she fought on the front lines in the war against humans.
Amarantha had a younger sister called Clythia who fell in love with a mortal warrior called Jurian. Clythia didn't realise she was being used for information and that Jurian didn't actually love her. Jurian betrayed Clythia and he tortured, butchered her and crucified her with ash wood. Jurian and Clythia had a final confrontation where she killed Jurian and she has despised humans ever since.
Once the Treaty was made, Amarantha killed all her human slaves rather than free them. She slowly began to bring her forces to Prythian and planned to take it for herself, build her power and then destroy the human world.
The High Lords all hosted a ball in her honour and she slipped a potion she made using the King of Hybern's spell book into their wine. When the High Lords drank the wine it made it so Amarantha could steal their powers. It left them all with only the basest elements of their magic. She took control of Prythian and has now ruled it for 49 years.
Alis says there isn't actually a sickness or blight on the land, the blight is Amarantha. She tells Feyre she could have been the one to save them all if she hadn't been so blind to her own heart. Reveals that Tamlin was cursed by Amarantha. She reveals that Amarantha and Tamlin had known each other for a long time because his family had ties to Hybern. The Spring Court also aligned with Hybern in the war against humans and Tamlin's father was close to the Hybern King.
Amarantha wanted to be with Tamlin but he refused. Lucien was sent to her as Tamlin's emissary to try and keep the peace between them but she refused. Lucien insulted her and she took his eye as a punishment, she carved it out with her own nail.
She then hosted a masquerade ball Under the Mountain with all the Courts present. She had all of Spring Court wear animal masks to honour Tamlin and his shapeshifting ability. She then told everyone that peace could be had if Tamlin agreed to be her lover and consort. Tamlin told her he would rather be with a human than be with her.
Amarantha then said she would give Tamlin one chance to break the spell she put upon him to steal his power. Told Tamlin he had seven times seven years (why she couldn't just say 49, I'll never know!) before she claimed him and he would have to join her. If he wanted to break the curse than he had to find a human girl who hated faeries who would marry him.
The human also had to have killed one of his men who he would have to send across the wall like a lamb to slaughter. And the girl could only be brought to Prythian to be courted if she killed one of his men in an unprovoked attack.Tamlin lied to Feyre about the treaty, she could kill as many faeries as she wanted and the treaty wouldn't mean she would be punished. The spell could have been broken if Feyre had told Tamlin she loved him and meant it.
About the masquerade masks being a part of the curse she says: 'Amarantha knows humans are preoccupied with beauty and thus bound the masks to all our faces, to his face, so it would be more difficult to find a girl willing to look past it.'
Amarantha made it so they could not tell anyone about the curse and so the fact Alis can tell Feyre now must mean it is over for Amarantha. Tamlin used to send one of his men to the human world every single day but they would end up being killed by someone who wasn't a young girl and so he stopped.
Alis says some High Lords fought back 40 years ago, three High Lords were executed along with mostof their families. Day, Summer and Winter were the three Courts that fought back and as punishment Amarantha now keeps their entire courts Under the Mountain.
Alis used to serve the Summer Court and her sister was killed when Amarantha invaded. She took her nephews and fled. Tamlin hid her nephews and allowed her to stay and work for him.
Tamlin spent decades refusing to send anyone across the wall but finally decided to have one last attempt. He started to send his remaining men over the wall, it was three days after that when Feyre killed Andras. Alis reveals that Tamlin only had three days left to break the curse when he sent Feyre away.
Feyre asks Alis if Tamlin could kill Amarantha if he got his powers back, Alis says that she isn't sure. Feyre then demands that Alis take her Under the Mountain.
Chapter 33: Feyre arms herself with a bow, arrows and two daggers. Alis warns her not to drink wine while she is there and to not make deals unless her life depends on it. Tells her to not trust anyone in there - not even Tamlin. She says her senses will be waiting to betray her. Alis says there is still one part of the curse that she can't tell her about. Feyre tells Alis that if she needs to escape Prythian then she should go and find her sister Nesta. Alis takes her to an entrance to a tunnel in the Spring Court that will lead her Under the Mountain.
Chapter 34: The Attor finds her in the tunnels and takes her to the throne room. Tamlin is seated next to Amarantha and acts unmoved by Feyre being there. She tells Amarantha that she has come to claim the one she loves, Tamlin. She notices a ring on Amarantha's finger, it appears to be a real human eye encased in crystal.
Amarantha shows Feyre the tortured body of Clare Beddor - the girl they all believed to be her. Tamlin tries to lie and say that he has never seen Feyre before. Amarantha talks to her ring, calls it Jurian - Feyre realises it is his eye that is trapped inside it.
Amarantha tells her that she can have Tamlin back if she completes 3 tasks of her choosing. Feyre says she will complete all three tasks if it means that Tamlin's curse will be broken and all of his Court can leave there and remain free forever. Amarantha agrees and says she doesn't even have to complete the three trials if she can successfully answer a riddle. If she gets the answer to the riddle correct then his curse will be instantly broken. Says she can answer the riddle at any time but if she gets it wrong then she will end up like Clare.
Amarantha says Feyre will complete one tasks every month at the full moon. Feyre agrees to it and then Amarantha has her beaten.
Chapter 35: Feyre awakes, badly beaten and in a prison cell. Lucien comes to see her and tells her she shouldn't be there. Lucien helps to fix her broken nose and heal her but doesn't heal the bruises, this way others can't tell he has healed her. Lucien tells her all the other High Lords have been summoned Under the Mountain and aren't allowed to leave until Feyre has completed her trials.
Lucien tells her about Amarantha and Jurian's final fight. He says she beat him and then spend weeks torturing him. He says Jurian is now kept alive forever through the ring.
Amarantha has Feyre brought to her and she asks for Feyre's name, she refuses to give it. Amarantha then calls for Rhysand and asks him if this is the girl he saw at Tamlin's manor and he says that he thinks it is. Amarantha asks him why he said that Clare was the person he saw and he just says that all humans look alike to him. Feyre doesn't believe his excuse, thinks he knew Clare wasn't the right girl.
Amarantha drags Lucien out and tells Rhysand to torture him for Feyre's name. Feyre caves and tells them her name.
Amarantha then gives Feyre the riddle:
There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet,
And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.
At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair,
But I bless all those brave enough to dare.
By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet,
But scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat.
For though each of my strikes lands a powerful blow,
When I kill, I kill slow...
(Can we all agree that the answer to this riddle was ridiculously obvious? I will forever judge Feyre for not immediately knowing the answer!)
Feyre finds the worms den that is filled with the bones of its kills. She begins breaking the bones in half to get sharp bone shards and begins sticking them into the mud with the sharp end pointing up.
She overhears Rhys telling the other High Lords that she is building a trap. Feyre then covers herself in mud so that the worm can no longer smell her. She then tracks down the worm and cuts her hand open so it can smell her blood. The worm begins chasing her and she leads it back to its den where it falls for her trap. It ends up impaled on the bone shads and is killed.
Feyre then throws one of the bones at Amarantha. Amarantha notes that everyone else in her court bet that Feyre would lose except for one person. Feyre realises she has hurt her arm, a piece of bone is now embedded in it.
Rhysand says he can heal her arm in exchange for her. He asks for two weeks every month that Feyre will have to come and live with him in the Night Court. She says no but he points out that she is dying and he is her only chance. She still says no and so he grabs the none and twists it causing her immense pain. She bargains with him for one week out of the month and she agrees. She shakes his hand and falls unconscious.
Feyre wakes up and finds that she is completely healed. Her left arm is covered in a tattoo of swirls of blank ink and a large eye tattooed in the middle of her palm. He tells her it is customary for deals to be permanently inked on the body.

Chapter 39: Two female fae show up in her cell and take her to a room where they bathe her and then begin painting her entire body. They then put her in a dress that barely covers her. Rhysand comes to her and tells her he needs her to attend a party with him. He had her painted so that he will know if anyone else touches her (I think Rhys has mistaken Feyre for Anck-su-Namun - and if you don't get that reference you are missing out!) And he tells her he doesn't like his belongings being tampered with.
Chapter 41: Feyre is being escorted by Rhysands two servants when they suddenly hide her behind a tapestry so they can spy on the Attor and overhear what is being said. She hears a voice ask the Attor if the High Lords will contribute their forces, the Attor says they will do what they are told. They say the King of Hybern is unhappy with Amarantha about the situation with Feyre and the deal she agreed to.
Chapter 43: Feyre is called to the third trial, Amarantha is sitting on her throne and once again has Tamlin beside her. Amarantha asks her if she has any final words and she tells Tamlin that she loves him.
Chapter 38: Feyre is told to clean a floor but is given dirty water and is unable to do it. The Lady of the Autumn Court comes in and thanks Feyre for giving her name to save Lucien and then she uses her magic to help Feyre clean the floor.
The next day she is taken to a room and told to get spilled lentils out of the ash in the fireplace. Rhysand comes in to the room and asks why she is in his room - she explains what she has been told to do. Rhysand talks to Feyre more, reveals that all High Lords can shapeshift, he says he prefers wings and talons. Shows her how he can partly shift to give himself wings.
She asks Rhys if he knows the answer to the riddle (Feyre, I think anyone with a brain knows the answer except you!) and he tells her they have all been forbidden from telling her the answer. Rhysand orders the guards to stop giving Feyre these random tasks and to stay out of her cell or they are to take their own daggers and gut themselves.

He takes her to the party - Amarantha sees her tattooed arm and asks he what he has one. He reveals their bargain and the fact Feyre now must spend a week with every month for the rest of her life. He then gives Feyre faerie wine to drink.
She wakes in her cell and vomits, doesn't remember much of the night. Lucien comes to see her and says that Rhysand spent the night touching her just to get a rise out of Tamlin. He says Rhysand had Feyre dance for him all night and then had her sit in his lap. Every night following Rhysand has her doled up and taken to the throne room where she is made to dance half naked for entertainment while she is drunk on faerie wine.
Rhysand visits her in her cell and tells her that the second trial is the next day. Rhysand tells her that "Taunting him is my greatest pleasure" in reference to having Feyre dance and sit in his lap in front of Tamlin. Rhysand says that through saving Feyre's life he has saved Tamlin's but won't tell her what he means.
Amarantha has a High Fae from the Summer Court that was caught trying to escape from Under the Mountain through the tunnel that leads to the Spring Court. Amarantha tells Rhysand to look into his mind and find out what he was attempting to do. Rhysand says he wanted to escape through the Spring Court and in to the human world and he says that he had no other accomplices.
Amarantha then tells Rhys to shatter the fae and he kills him, Amarantha is angry because she wanted him to shatter his mind and not kill him.
Feyre notes that the other fae refer to Rhys as Amarantha's whore. Feyre also believes that Rhys lied about what the fae was doing when he escaped but she doesn't know why.
Chapter 40: It is time for the second task and Feyre is lowed into a pit. She sees Lucien chained to the floor in the pit, separated from her. She has to answer a question by pulling the correct lever - there are three of them and each one is linked to an answer. She has a time limit, giant spike encrusted gates will slowly lower onto her and Lucien as she tries to solve it.
The question and three potential answers are writing on the wall but Feyre can't read it. She thinks she will just have to guess and goes to grab the 2nd lever but her hand suddenly hurts her. She tries to pull it again and the pain returns. She realises Rhysand is doing it, he is trying to show her which one to pull. She pulls the third one and wins the trials.
She hears Rhys talking to her in her head, telling her not to cry and to stand and stare Amarantha down. She goes back to her cell and immediately breaks down. Rhysand comes to see her and begins licking the tears from her face. Rhys gets her worked up and mad before he leaves. Once he is gone she notes: "It took me a long time to realise that Rhysand, whether he knew it or not, had effectively kept me from shattering completely."
Back in her cell Feyre can hear music being played, she finds it incredibly moving and beautiful and it makes her cry.
Chapter 42: Feyre is at another party, covered in the body paint and a dress when she is left to her own devices in a corner. Tamlin finds her and signals for her to follow him. They go in to a room and immediately start kissing and try to undress each other and have sex (rather than talk and try to formulate any kind of plan).
Rhys catches them and tells Tamlin to fix his clothes and leave, which he does. Rhys calls her a fool and asks if she realises what Amarantha would have done if she had found them. Rhys suddenly looks at the door and then turns back and kisses Feyre - could hear Amarantha approaching. Amarantha opens the door to find them kissing, she has Tamlin with her. Rhys then sends Feyre back to her cell.
That night Rhys comes to visit Feyre in her cell, tells her that he needs peace and quiet away from Amarantha. Says he is made to serve her in her bedroom like a harlot. Rhys says that if Feyre wins and Tamlin gets his powers back he will be so filled with wrath that he will be able to destroy Amarantha. He says this is why he is doing all this with Feyre, so he can work Tamlin into a senseless fury (not sure why Amarantha repeatedly trying to kill Feyre wouldn't be enough for that but given how useless Tamlin has been UTM I can see why Rhys thinks he needs some motivation.)
Rhys says there is a reason that he has only ever touched Feyre on the arms and waist - so that Tamlin has reason to not fight him. Rhys worries for his territory and people, Amarantha has them all enslaved and could kill them all if she wanted.
Feyre asks why Amarantha targeted him to be her whore and he says it is because his father killed Tamlin's father and brothers and she was close to them. Amarantha was punishing Rhys for that.
Feyre realises that Rhys has been keeping her alive while Under the Mountain (duh!). Feyre says Rhys didn't have to bargain with her to heal her arm, that he could have demanded she spend every week of her life with him and she would have said yes. He smiles and says he knows that.
Three figures are brought in, two male and one female who all have sacks over their heads. They are brought in and then forced to their knees. Three servants then come in and each of them holds a pillow that has an ash wood dagger resting on it.
She is told that she must stab each of the fae in the heart and if she does that she will win. Amarantha has the hood removed from the first one, a pretty fae male who begs her not to kill him, she can even hear someone sobbing for him in the crowd. Feyre stabs and kills him.
Then the hood is taken off the fae woman, who says a prayer. Feyre stabs and kills her.
Then she moves on to the last one, the hood is taken off to reveal the third fae is actually Tamlin. Feyre looks up at the one next to Amarantha and it transforms back into the Attor.
Feyre remembers Alis telling her there was another part of the curse that would help her, she just needed to remember what she had heard. And she suddenly remembers Lucien and the Attor saying that Tamlin had a heart of stone and so she realises she can't actually kill Tamlin if his heart is made of stone. She tells Tamlin she loves him before stabbing him in the heart.
Chapter 44: Amarantha doesn't free them all, she says that Feyre wasn't specific about when she had to free them if she completed the tasks, says she only said she'd free them all immediately if she got the answer to the riddle.
Amarantha then says she is going to kill Feyre, begins to attack her. Tells Feyre to admit she doesn't actually love Tamlin and she will let her live, she doesn't. Feyre can hear Rhysand yelling her name from the crowd. Rhysand comes and even tries to stab Amarantha but she stops him. She begins hurting Rhys and Feyre begs her to stop. The bond between her and Rhys, caused by the tattoo, means that she suddenly can see through his eyes and then snaps back into her own.
Tamlin is begging Amarantha not to kill Feyre. As Feyre is being tortured to death she finally realises the answer to the riddle is love (DUH!). Says the answer just before Amarantha breaks her spine and kills Feyre.
Chapter 45: Feyre is dead but can somehow still see through Rhysand eyes because of their bond. Tamlin and the others now have their powers back. Tamlin very quickly kills Amarantha by stabbing her through her head with a sword and ripping her throat out. Then he comes over to Feyre and sobs over her dead body.
The High Lord of the Autumn Court approaches Feyre's dead body and open his hand, a glittery spark falls from it and enters her chest. He is followed by the High Lords of the Summer, Winter, Dawn and Day Courts who all do the same thing. Then Rhysand comes over and does the same thing, he says: "For what she gave... we'll bestow what our predecessors have granted to few before." And he says that this makes him and Tamlin even.
Tamlin then says he loves her and places his hand over her heart.
Chapter 46: Feyre wakes up, her body no longer broken. She realises she has become High Fae and is now immortal. Her and Tamlin immediately have sex.
She is woken up by Rhys summoning her through their bond. She asks him why he fought so hard to save her from Amarantha. He said he didn't want her to fight alone or die alone. He asks her what it feels like to be fae now and she says that while her body is fae, it feels like her heart is still human. She says she wishes it wasn't, still feels terrible for killing the two fae even if it meant she saved everyone else. He tells her: "Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all."
Rhysand says goodbye to her but just before he leaves she notices he suddenly goes rigid, looks at her in shock and then disappears.
Amarantha's body has been burned but Jurians eye and his finger bone that Amarantha kept has somehow gone missing.
Her and Tamlin then return back to the Spring Court.
The End
I hope you have found this useful! I will also be uploading chapter by chapter recaps for ACOMAF, ACOWAR and ACOFAS and will also upload them for ACOSF at some point in the future too.
Love this chapter by chapter summary! Thank you for taking the time to do this, and to share!
ReplyDeleteThis was such a huge help!! About to read A Court of Silver Flames and needed a quick refresher of everything before reading so thank you :D
ReplyDeleteI have trouble remembering things too, I'm happy you wrote this
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated! I'm listening to the audio and like to use your page as a refresher!
ReplyDeleteI suddenly realized that I was not equal to enduring more torture scenes via audio book, so I decided to finish via recap. This was super useful! Thank you!