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Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Debuts I'm Excited For


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Top Ten 2014 Debuts I'm Excited For

I managed to break my finger yesterday playing a Speed of Light game. It seriously hurt but at least I got a ridiculously high score and beat the boyfriend on every game. Although, going into work and explaining this to people at work will be quite hilarious. At twenty-two I am not sure I should be playing these games... no wait, I definitely should be!

This weeks topic is quite hard for me because a lot of the debuts I am really excited for, I've been lucky enough to get them as ARCs. So I will try to find ones I don't have, but also ones that I do have.

Alienated by Melissa Landers

Two years ago, the aliens made contact. Now Cara Sweeney is going to be sharing a bathroom with one of them. 
Handpicked to host the first-ever L’eihr exchange student, Cara thinks her future is set. Not only does she get a free ride to her dream college, she’ll have inside information about the mysterious L’eihrs that every journalist would kill for. Cara’s blog following is about to skyrocket.
Still, Cara isn’t sure what to think when she meets Aelyx. Humans and L’eihrs have nearly identical DNA, but cold, infuriatingly brilliant Aelyx couldn’t seem more alien. She’s certain about one thing, though: no human boy is this good-looking.
But when Cara's classmates get swept up by anti-L'eihr paranoia, Midtown High School suddenly isn't safe anymore. Threatening notes appear in Cara's locker, and a police officer has to escort her and Aelyx to class. 
Cara finds support in the last person she expected. She realizes that Aelyx isn’t just her only friend; she's fallen hard for him. But Aelyx has been hiding the truth about the purpose of his exchange, and its potentially deadly consequences. Soon Cara will be in for the fight of her life—not just for herself and the boy she loves, but for the future of her planet

This is one I have read as an arc, but loved so much that I am eagerly awaiting the hardback release. I definitely recommend this one.

The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings 

An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.

This is one that I have as an ARC, but I am really excited to read it!

Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira

It begins as an assignment for English class: Write a letter to a dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain because her sister, May, loved him. And he died young, just like May did. Soon, Laurel has a notebook full of letters to people like Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Amelia Earhart, Heath Ledger, and more; though she never gives a single one of them to her teacher. She writes about starting high school, navigating new friendships, falling in love for the first time, learning to live with her splintering family. And, finally, about the abuse she suffered while May was supposed to be looking out for her. Only then, once Laurel has written down the truth about what happened to herself, can she truly begin to accept what happened to May. And only when Laurel has begun to see her sister as the person she was; lovely and amazing and deeply flawed; can she begin to discover her own path.

I've wanted this one for so long now, I can't wait for it to finally be released.

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord

After breaking up with her bad-news boyfriend, Reagan O’Neill is ready to leave her rebellious ways behind. . . and her best friend, country superstar Lilah Montgomery, is nursing a broken heart of her own. Fortunately, Lilah’s 24-city tour is about to kick off, offering a perfect opportunity for a girls-only summer of break-up ballads and healing hearts. But when Matt Finch joins the tour as its opening act, his boy-next-door charm proves difficult for Reagan to resist, despite her vow to live a drama-free existence. This summer, Reagan and Lilah will navigate the ups and downs of fame and friendship as they come to see that giving your heart to the right person is always a risk worth taking. A fresh new voice in contemporary romance, Emery Lord’s gorgeous writing hits all the right notes.

This one just looks really sweet, I'll be keeping my eye out for this one.

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero.

But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know?

Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still the yellow brick road, though—but even that's crumbling.

What happened?

Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.

My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas.

I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked.

I've been trained to fight.
And I have a mission:
Remove the Tin Woodman's heart.
Steal the Scarecrow's brain.
Take the Lion's courage.
Then and only then—Dorothy must die!

I really love the look of this one!

Nil by Lynne Matson

On the mysterious island of Nil, the rules are set. You have one year. Exactly 365 days--to escape, or you die.

Seventeen-year-old Charley doesn’t know the rules. She doesn’t even know where she is. The last thing she remembers is blacking out, and when she wakes up, she’s lying naked in an empty rock field.

Lost and alone, Charley finds no sign of other people until she meets Thad, the gorgeous leader of a clan of teenage refugees. Soon Charley learns that leaving the island is harder than she thought . . . and so is falling in love. With Thad’s time running out, Charley realizes that to save their future, Charley must first save him. And on an island rife with dangers, their greatest threat is time.

I got this as an ARC, but it wasn't compatible to Kindle. Looking forward to this being released so I can finally read it.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge 

Graceling meets Beauty and the Beast in this sweeping fantasy about one girl's journey to fulfill her destiny and the monster who gets in her way-by stealing her heart.

Based on the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Cruel Beauty is a dazzling love story about our deepest desires and their power to change our destiny.

Since birth, Nyx has been betrothed to the evil ruler of her kingdom-all because of a foolish bargain struck by her father. And since birth, she has been in training to kill him.

With no choice but to fulfill her duty, Nyx resents her family for never trying to save her and hates herself for wanting to escape her fate. Still, on her seventeenth birthday, Nyx abandons everything she's ever known to marry the all-powerful, immortal Ignifex. Her plan? Seduce him, destroy his enchanted castle, and break the nine-hundred-year-old curse he put on her people.

But Ignifex is not at all what Nyx expected. The strangely charming lord beguiles her, and his castle-a shifting maze of magical rooms-enthralls her.

As Nyx searches for a way to free her homeland by uncovering Ignifex's secrets, she finds herself unwillingly drawn to him. Even if she could bring herself to love her sworn enemy, how can she refuse her duty to kill him? With time running out, Nyx must decide what is more important: the future of her kingdom, or the man she was never supposed to love.

Have heard so many good things for this one. Can't wait to read my ARC.

Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy

What if you’d been living your life as if you were dying—only to find out that you had your whole future ahead of you? 

When sixteen-year-old Alice is diagnosed with leukemia, her prognosis is grim. To maximize the time she does have, she vows to spend her final months righting wrongs—however she sees fit. She convinces her friend Harvey, whom she knows has always had feelings for her, to help her with a crazy bucket list that’s as much about revenge (humiliating her ex-boyfriend and getting back at her arch nemesis) as it is about hope (doing something unexpectedly kind for a stranger and reliving some childhood memories). But just when Alice’s scores are settled, she goes into remission.

Now Alice is forced to face the consequences of all that she’s said and done, as well as her true feelings for Harvey. But has she done irreparable damage to the people around her, and to the one person who matters most? 

Julie Murphy’s SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY is a fearless and moving tour de force about love, life, and facing your own mortality.

I am so happy to finally have an ARC of this. I can't wait to finally read it.


For full info go here.

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  1. Great picks! I am excited about Alienated too.

  2. I've read Alienated recently. It's so easy to read. I also can't wait to read Cruel Beauty and Side Effects May Vary.

  3. Nice! Everyone's picking The Murder Complex today! I can't wait for Cruel Beauty and Dorothy Must Die either!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Cruel Beauty and Side Effects May Vary are on my list too. And I can't wait to read Alienated. Nil also sounds great, I added it to my TBR list. Great list! ~Pam

  5. Oh yesss! I am with you on all of these! These are some of my top picks too! Gosh, Alienated has been on my really-desperately-want list for ages. And I just read a review that raved about Cruel Beauty. (And Dorothy Must Die has the best title ever.)

    1. I LOVED Alienated, I hope you do too! I know, the name is what makes me want to read Dorothy Must Die so much.

  6. I see we share quite a few titles! I am not sure about Cruel Beauty so I didn't put it on the list, but I think I'll try to read it nevertheless. :)
    I hope you get these soon!

    1. I have some of them - Cruel Beauty, Side Effects, Murder Complex & I've already read Alienated. Hopefully I get the others soon though! Thanks for checking my post out :)

  7. Great list. Side Effects almost made my list as well. I will definitely be checking it out when it comes out. We are both looking forward to Dorothy Must Die! Thanks for stopping by my WoW.


    1. Thanks for checking mine out too! I can't wait to get my hands on these :)

  8. Great list, some of them were new to my like Side Effects May Vary. And it does sound like a amazing book, imediately added it to my TBR.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

    1. Haha glad I could help! I can't wait to get to that one... it looks so good :)

  9. Great list! You're right, we did share a lot of picks. Great minds, right? I also entered your giveaway. Thanks for it! :D

  10. Excellent list! I have added almost all of these to my TBR thanks to all the lovely TTT posts I've been checking out :)

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. Happy reading :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  11. Awesome list! I agree with so many of them. I'm especially interested in Alienated and The Murder Complex, they seem so great. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :)

    1. I have already read Alienated and I absolutely LOVED it! I hope you do too :) Thanks for stopping by.

  12. 1. I'm totally in love with the layout of your post (the circle and rectangular pictures are so cute). I also love the overlap on our list and how didn't they are. I've seen NIL on a lot of lists so I think that's my cue to add it to my tbr.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

    1. I'm excited for Nil, I got an ARC but couldn't get it on my Kindle - was so disappointed! Hopefully it's good :) Thanks so much!

  13. Great list! Thanks for stopping by Chronicles. I'm jealous you had the opportunity for an ARC copy of Alienated. Really can't wait for that one.

    Ashley @ Chronicles

  14. Ooh, lots of good books. I am hoping I get through most of my list too! Thank you for stopping by!

    Shannon @ Rex Robot Reviews

  15. Dorothy Must Die is going to be added to my wish list because it seems to good to pass up. Open Road Summer is on my TTT too--of course you know that because you stopped by. Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

    1. You're welcome, thanks so much for taking the time to check mine out too! I can't wait for Dorothy Must Die, it looks sooo good! :)

  16. Awesome picks you got here!

  17. I've been hearing some great things about Cruel Beauty as well and am tempted to add it to my to-read shelf, but I want to read some more reviews just to be sure. Maybe your review will help me decide when you read your ARC!

    1. I'm hoping to get to it very soon, let's hope I love it! :)

  18. Cruel Beauty, Side Affects May Vary, Love Letters to the Dead, Dorothy Must Die, The Murder Complex--man, you have such a great list. :o 2014 looks like it's going to be a really good reading year. For everyone, I think.

    1. I know, how will we find time to read all the amazing books?!?

  19. Oh My Goodness.....Dorothy Must Die....I love re-tellings not gonna lie. Can't wait for that one, great list :)

    1. Thanks! I'm super excited to get to Cruel Beauty too, I hope I love it as much as everyone else seems too :)

  20. I'm eagerly awaiting Alienated as well! I just finished reading it today and now I really want to own a copy!
    Open Road Summer sounds like it's going to be such a cute summer read. Nil & Love Letters to the Dead both sound amazing!
    Great list! :D

    1. I know, Alienated is going to get pride of place! :) I am so eager for Love Letters, I just want it now. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  21. Great picks, I can't wait for Love Letters to the Dead and Cruel Beauty. So many great books coming out this year, I don't know how I shall find all the time to read

    1. I know, I don't know how I'll get to them all either! Love Letters is definitely one I am desperate for! :)

  22. Yay we have a lot of similar picks! Really excited for Love Letters to the Dead!

  23. I'm happy to hear that you really liked Alienated. It sounds super cute!! Open Road Summer and Cruel Beauty are two books that I didn't include in my top ten list, but I really want to read as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!

    1. You're welcome! Alienated was really great, definitely recommend that one :)

  24. Great list! I'm looking forward to Cruel Beauty and Dorothy Must Die - I love retellings :)
    Thanks for stopping by! I'm a new bloglovin follower :)

    - Kritika @ Snowflakes & Spider Silk

  25. Awesome list! We had Alienated, The Murder Complex, Cruel Beauty in common and I almost added Love Letters To The Dead as well. I think that book is full of feels!

  26. Open Road Summer does sound amazing! I'm very excited for Love Letters To The Dead, too. Great picks :)

    1. Thanks! Love Letters needs to hurry up and release already! :)

  27. Aaah, your list is great! :) Love Letters to the Dead sounds amazing - I didn't come across that one whilst I was researching my list. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. :) Great job!

  28. All of these look so good!!!! Dorothy must die is going to be a must read and I'm pretty stoked for side effects may vary...I bet I'm going to have to have tissues on hand for that one!

    1. I know, me too! I can't wait to start reading Side Effects, it looks so good :)

  29. Oh my gosh, I hope your finger is okay!! And all of these books look so good!! I definitely have a few of the same on my list.

    1. Thanks, it's not too bad thankfully! I can't wait for these, I am going to have a good reading year! :)

  30. Alienated is one I'm really excited for as well!!! It sounds awesome, and I love the cover :) I hope you enjoy all of them when you get to them!!! Happy Reading !

    1. I hope you love Alienated, I read the ARC and absolutely loved it :)

  31. Great picks. Hope you get to all of them. Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  32. Great list! I also excited to read Alienated, it sounds quite good =)
    Thank you for visiting my TTT =)

    1. You're welcome, thanks so much for taking the time to visit back :)

  33. Cruel Beauty is amazing! I adored that book and I'm reading Alienated right now and so far its pretty good. Great picks!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. I can't wait to read Cruel Beauty, happy to hear that you loved it :)

  34. Great choices! I'm so excited for several of these. And the covers are all beautiful. 2014 looks like a great year for books.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. You're welcome! I know, how are we going to find time for all these amazing books :)

  35. Open Road Summer is somehow one I missed on my list! I am really going to have to get that one. Sounds so amazing! Thanks for a great list and for stopping by for my list as well.

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

    1. I only just found it, but it looked like such a cute read and I just had to include it! :)

  36. I am so excited about so many of these, especially Love Letters to the Dead! Great list and thanks for stopping by!

  37. Whooo are lists are so similar! And Nil is unfamiliar to me, but it looks SO GOOD!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  38. Great list. I've been seeing this Dorthy book a lot on blogs lately. *adds to TBR* I'll have to look into the others. Super excited for this year's releases.

    Once Upon A Dreams Books

    1. I know, me too! No idea how I'll find the time to read them all but I'll try my best :)

  39. Ooh those books look exciting! I just checked out Alienated and it sounds really fun! Dorothy Must Die is another one of those creeptacular books I've been waiting for. (Please, ruin my childhood)
    I've heard a lot of buzz about Side Effects May Vary & Love Letters To The Dead, I'll surely check them out.
    Happy reading! :)

    1. I can't wait for all of these, but am super excited for Love Letters (I need it now!) and Dorothy Must Die! :)

  40. Open Road Summer and Love Letters to the Dead almost made it on my list :) Gah there are so many good books coming out >.< Why can't there be more time in a day?!
    I hope your finger doesn't hurt too bad and gets better soon o.O I don't know the game you were playing when your broke it but if it's fun, age shouldn't matter ;)
    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I know, how I'm going to find time for all the books I want to read in 2014, I don't even know (I clearly won't, but I will try my best!). I had so much fun playing it.. so I don't mind. Thanks for checking out my post :)

  41. I'm glad to hear that you liked Alienated! This is one that I'm looking forward to, too. The Murder Complex is on pretty much everyone's list...including mine!

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

  42. I only just found that one and it looked like such a cute read, I had to include it! :)

  43. These are some great choices! We have a lot of the same ones. Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy Reading! :)

  44. These all look so great! Judging by this, 2014 should be a wizard year. I've heard great things about Alientated and Cruel Beauty, and though Love Letters to the Dead doesn't seem like my usual thing, I've decided I officially need to read it now. Thanks for pointing these out!

    1. I LOVED Alienated, definitely recommend that one. I'm super excited for Love Letters to the Dead, let's hope we both love it!

  45. I am really excited to read Cruel Beauty and Nil. Alienated is supposed to be adorable too, or so I heard. Great picks here!

    1. I really loved Alienated, I read the ARC but I'm excited to get my hands on a finished hardback. I'm looking forward to Cruel Beauty, have seen so many glowing reviews.

  46. You have an awesome list! I'm very intrigued by Love Letters to the Dead, and The Murder Complex is on my TBR as well. Thanks so much for stopping by Books, Bones & Buffy!

    1. Love Letters to the Dead is one that I am super excited for, it looks so good!

  47. Most of these are in my TBR list. I'm particularly excited for Cruel Beauty.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. You too! I can't wait for Cruel Beauty either, it looks so good :)


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