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Welcome to the NEW Reviews from a Bookworm: Celebrations, A Tag & Giveaway!!!


I can't begin to express my excitement to finally unveil the new look for Reviews from a Bookworm! I hope you guys love it as much as I do, I honestly couldn't be happier with with it. The new design is all thanks to Evie, over at Evie's Bookish Designs - the woman is clearly a genius. I've wanted a new look for  Reviews from a Bookworm for so long, I just don't really have the skill or knowledge to do it myself. I definitely did the best I could with what I knew, that just happened to be very little. So I knew if I was going to get a design I was truly happy with, I would need to find someone else.

That's where Evie comes in! Amanda over at Nellie and Co. was the person who suggested her and thought she'd be a good person to work with and Amanda was right. She asked so many questions and managed to coax out of me what I wanted, because when I started the design I still had absolutely no idea what I truly wanted. But, I shouldn't have worried, Evie had a better idea than I had myself and seemed to know exactly what I wanted, even when I didn't.

I can't say it enough.... I AM SO HAPPY WITH THE NEW DESIGN! I love it! And I even decided to add my mug to the side so you can all see the face behind the blog... A decision I will regret very soon as I am already getting sick of looking at myself.

So what do you think of the new design? Do you love it as much as I do???


To celebrate I thought it would be a great idea to create a tag that you guys could also do if you wanted to. I got the idea for the tag a while ago now, back when I did the Taylor Swift book tag -which I saw Christine at PolandBananasBooks do and it looked like fun. I liked the question, so took part, but didn't know all the songs or how the questions actually matched up. Now this year I have found myself listening to Taylor Swift, a big change for me as I mostly listen to rock and my favourite band is Imagine Dragons. But I've come to rather love her, not only because she's rather hilarious but also because she writes smart lyrics and can actually play instruments. I have so much respect for artists who can actually write their own music and lyrics, I have none of the necessary skills it requires. 

So I decided to do a tag that actually matched up song lyrics to the questions and decided to do this with the 1989 album, as I have been listening to it during down time at work in the last few weeks. You don't need to actually know the songs to take part, but I hope you all love the questions and want to take part. So here is my first ever original tag! 

Welcome to New York
You can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls.

1. A book with LGBT themes

I am going to be posting my full review, author interview and giveaway post for this book very soon and I can't wait to fully gush about it. The Game of Love and Death by Heather Brockenbrough is definitely one of the greatest books I have read in a long time. It covers so many things, not just LGBT themes. But the way it handles it's LGBT storyline was just truly beautiful and certain scenes brought tears to my eyes. I highly recommend! 

Blank Space
You can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain.
2. A book that hit you right in the feels... but was totally worth it.

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven is an obvious choice for this one. I absolutely loved it, even though it broke my poor little heart and had me in floods of tears. You can read my full, and somewhat coherent, review of the book here

I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
3. A book that you hated but you loved the cover

The winner of this one has to be The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. I had such cover love for this book and had high hopes for the story itself. Sadly I ended up absolutely hating it and not understanding what the fuss was about at all. Feel free to read my ranty review here

I've got a blank space baby and I'll write your name.
4. Your latest book boyfriend/girlfriend

I haven't found a book boyfriend that I absolutely love in a long time! I don't know why, but I haven't had one that I completely loved. I did recently read P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han and am going to use this as an opportunity to mention Peter K. because I love that guy! John Ambrose McClaren can go SUCK IT!

We never go out of style.
 5. A timeless classic you love.

I'm picking Harry Potter, because it wouldn't be a tag without me finding some way to mention Harry Potter and how much I absolutely love it. So here you go... Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, which is totally a timeless classic.

Out of the Woods

The rest of the world is black and white, but we were in screaming colour.
 6. A book which had vivid world building.

I'm going to go with Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, and the whole Grisha trilogy. I loved the world building in that and how vivid it was. I could actually imagine it all, which is ridiculously rare for me as I usually can't picture much when reading books. But I could see it all with that book, the buildings and the costumes and the landscape. If you want to read my review then you can find it here.

The monsters turned out to be just trees.
7. A book where things weren't exactly how they seemed.
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart was a fantastic book, but things weren't always what they seemed. Especially with E. Lockharts writing style and use of metaphors. One second I would drop the book in shock at something that had just happened, only to continue and realise it wasn't what I had originally thought at all. To read my review, where I gush far too much, then you can find it here.

All You Had To Do Was Stay
You were all I wanted... but not like this.
8. A book you were eagerly anticipated, but ended up being disappointed by.

I read and absolutely loved My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick, it's one of my favourite books. I was so excited to read her newest book, What I Thought Was True, and was so sure I was going to love it. But I didn't. I ended up feeling totally disappointed. You can read my review here.

Shake It Off
The haters gonna hate...
I am going to do two for this one.

9. A book/series that everyone seems to love but you can't help but hate.
This has to be Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard! Everyone and their mother seems to think it's the greatest thing that has ever happened. And then there is me, sitting in the corner hating on it. It was boring and predictable and read like so many other YA dystopians. My review isn't very pleasant, but you can read it here if you want. 

10. A book/series you love but everyone else seems to hate.

I want to pick The Declaration series by Gemma Malley. I don't see it as a series that is hated, but it's a series that is very underrated and hasn't got the readership it deserves. This was the dystopian I found after reading and loving The Hunger Games. I ended up really enjoying it and still consider it a great dystopian series. The author will be at YALC and I can't wait to meet her and get my books signed!!! 

I Wish You Would
I wish you knew I'll never forget you as long as I live.
11. A book/series you know you will always love.

I am going to go with the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas because I am confident it's a series I am going to love forever. It's my faovurite series next to Harry Potter and I don't see much changing that. I am nervous that some of my favourite characters will die, and that the good ship Chaolaena won't sail. But even then I might be able to forgive Maas and still love this forever and always. It's too awesome not to love. If you want reviews then you're in luck, I've reviewed all of them so far: Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire, The Assassin's Blade.

I wish you were right here, right now
12. An upcoming release you wish you could have right now!


Bad Blood

Now we've got bad blood, you know it used to be mad love.
13. A character you once loved but grew to hate.

This one has to be Tris from the Divergent series. I really loved her in book one but that quickly turned to hate the longer the series went on. She was annoying in Insurgent and then just became unbearable in Allegiant. The girl got what she deserved for being so utterly annoying. 

Did you have to do this, I was thinking that you could be trusted.Did you have to ruin what was shiny, now it's all rusted.
14. An author you haven't forgiven for the things they did to your favourite characters/books.

J.K. Rowling! 

Wildest Dreams

I can see the end as it begins.
15. A book that was far too predictable.

I'm going to go with Red Queen again, I thought this was far too predictable and wasn't really blown away by the twist like everyone else. 

Nothing lasts forever but this is getting good now.
16. A book/series that you wish could have gone on forever.

Harry Potter. I am going to assume Throne of Glass because any number of books will never be enough. Noughts and Crosses series by Malorie Blackman - I still want more and demand more!

How You Get The Girl

That's how it works, that's how you get the girl.
17. One of your favourite books where they 'got the girl'

Hands down this has to be My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick, I absolutely love this book and think the romance is so unbelievably cute! Jace and Samantha make the cutest couple and watching them fall in love in this book was so adorable. You can read my review here.

This Love

In darkest screams, in wildest dreams, I never dreamed on this.
18. A book that completely shocked you.

I am going to have to go with Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas. I am still blown away by this book and how awesome it was. It's a YA thriller that keeps you guessing until the final page. I stayed up till about 5am to finish it because it was impossible to put down. This has one of those endings that can leave you with your mouth hanging open. I loved it! My review is here

I Know Places

Loves a fragile little flame it could burn out.
19. A book you thought you loved but quickly came to hate.

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein was a book I was sure I was going to love. But the longer it went on the more I came to hate it. I still don't get why everyone loves that book so much, I was so bored with it. My review is here
Something happens when everybody finds out.See the vultures circling dark clouds.
20. A book you didn't want to be seen reading.

This one is easy for me and that's Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. It had 500+ reserves on it when I worked in my old library and I kept having people come in and tell me I had to read it, assuring me that I'd love it. So I finally caved and read it, but I didn't want to be seen reading it because... embarrassing! Those 500+ people were wrong, I didn't love it and I wasted hours of my life on it.


The drought was the very worst, when the flowers that we'd grown together died of first.
21. When the wait between books made you forget everything that happened.

Every book series ever! I get series amnesia so badly. I am having this with Throne of Glass and will be doing a reread before Queen of Shadows releases.

By morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean.
22. A book/series you wiped from your memory.

It has to be Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I have chosen to wipe that whole book from my memory because it was that terrible. I will just make up my own ending to the series, where real stuff happens and the author doesn't just reuse the man plot points of her previous book.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

There are a few different reasons I have been wanting to host a giveaway on the blog. The first is to celebrate the fact I reached 3,000 bloglovin' followers, which blows my mind! The second was that I reached 3,000 follows on Instagram, which is my new obsession. The other reason is to celebrate MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Wooooop!!! It's this week and I am so excited that it falls so near to YALC. And final reason is to celebrate my wonderful new design and to thank all my wonderful followers, 'cause you guys are amazing!

The prize:

Up to £40 worth of books

That will be up to £40 worth of books of the winners choice from Book Depository. They ship internationally which means that it can be open to all of my wonderful followers. 

If you want to do the 1989 tag then it will get you 10 entries on the post, just add your link underneath and link back to here. Feel free to do as many or as few questions as you want, there are quite a few questions to choose from!

Good luck everyone!!!

The Find Me Book Tag: Photographing the Precious
Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books I've Never Read
How to Survive YALC: Advice & Tips
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Pitch Perfect 2
Tonight the Streets Are Ours by Leila Sales
Top Ten Tuesday: Last 10 Books I Acquired


  1. Happy early birthday and I love the new blog design! It's so pretty. :) Also, congratulations on all the followers! That is such an awesome accomplishment! Thank you for the giveaway as well. :) I'm definitely going to join in on your tag-I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan and I love her 1989 album!

    1. Thank you!!! :) I am glad you enjoyed the tag, I had so much fun doing it!!! :)

  2. Congrats on the new blog design and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I will definitely be doing this tag soon, awesome job creating it!!

    1. Thank you!!! :) I had so much fun coming up with all the questions.

  3. Happy Birthday!! I also LOVE your new design! Super cute. :)

  4. I love the new design! (Especially the cute animated version of you on top!) Congrats on the new look, it's something I've been wanting to do for a while, and I can't wait to continue reading your posts in the future!

    -Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

  5. The design is absolutely amazing!! I'm in love with it. Happy birthday hope you have an amazing day. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  6. Thanks so much for such a great giveaway! And I love the design! It looks wonderful :3 I hope you have a great birthday as well!!

    I loved your answers! I wish Noughts and Crosses could have gone on forever because that is such a brilliant series. And We Were Liars is beyond wonderful. Never saw that plot twist coming, even with all the hints in there! I just ordered All the Bright Places so I can't wait to get it and drown myself in the tears of feels.

  7. I love your new design it's fab! Thanks for the great giveaway! I have a few running on my blog too! Gift card and Kindle HD giveaways!

    Amanda |

  8. YAY! It's been so fun getting all the gossip on the new look, and seriously, when you showed me yesterday, I thought it was beautiful, but now it's live, it's even better. I'm so glad my recommendation was good - I'd never worked with her before, but thought her work was fabulous, and this is fabulous too, so you should be so pleased. Would hate to know what it cost - eep! - but I'm sure it was so worth it!

    A Game of Love and Death is LGBT. I NEED THAT BOOK EVEN MORE NOW. We Were Liars is perfect for that topic, that's a good one, that was nothing as I expected. Yeah Red Queen - I liked it, and I think it's because the books people compared it to, I haven't read, so it didn't bother me at all, you know? I was just all 'omg, all the cool things!' A Book that shocked, yup, Dangerous Girls did that for sure.

    It's your Birthday?! Oh my god I forgot! :O I will have to send a card, although it might be a tad late.. Ugh, I don't have a present idea, I shall think of something.. Still, 3,000 is a BIG achievement, and you should be proud. I might do the tag, I'm 100% sure yet, but I think the idea was brilliant, you should be pleased. So happy for the new design again lovely! :)

    1. Her work was so good and I LOVED it!!!! :) I am so pleased with the design and the response I have gotten about it. So happy everyone loved it.

      YES, read The Game of Love and Death, it is AMAZING!!!

  9. Congratulations on the new design! It's very pretty. I especially love the social media icons and the flowery footer, it's such a nice detail! I'm glad you kept the butterfly, too.
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  10. Oh wow, this design is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I can completely understand your happiness with it. It's elegant and pretty and just... gorgeous.

    Also, yep, I'm still not over what J.K. Rowling did to my lovelies. ;__;

  11. I absolutely adore the new design! Happy birthday! :)

  12. The new design is gorgeous! I love it!

  13. I absolutely love your design! I wish my blog could look as amazing as yours!

  14. Happy birthday! Your new blog design is gorgeous; I love the floral designs. :)

  15. I love the redesign! It's pretty and very easy on the eye

  16. Love the new look, Charnell :)
    Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway!
    I need to think of some books for the tag.
    Have fun at YALC! I'm going too :)

  17. Hi - Like your new design! I was worried when I couldn't get into the site yesterday. It must have been taken down to do the changeover. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  18. i love the new design it's really elegant and easy on teh easy it has a poetic feeling to it as well just perfect
    Happy Birthday too i hope you had a very magical time
    thank you for sharing with us

  19. Congrats on the new blog design and happy birthday :)

  20. Happy birthday, Charnell! Hope it's a great one! Love the look of the blog... I can see why you're so happy with it. Yours is the first tag I've done on my blog. It was so much fun! I didn't do *every* question but I had a great time doing it. Hope others join in because I'd love to see more. :)

  21. Aw congrats on the new design. It's very pretty. Glad to see you're so happy with it.

    But PS you were doing awesome too. I always enjoyed your old look so don't knock yourself too hard :D

  22. OMGGG THE NEW DESIGN IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! CONGRATS ON IT'S WONDERFULNESS. And happy birthday too!! *sprinkles birthday cake in your hair*

  23. I LOVE your new design!!! I love the color palette! :) The 1989 book tag is genius!! I'd do it but I don't have a blog lol. (What you said about Dangerous Girls makes me want to pick up the book! I have it on my shelf but haven't read it yet!) Alsooo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's filled with love, fun, and books <3 <3

    1. THANK YOU!!! :) I hope you pick up Dangerous Girls, that book is incredible!

  24. Happy birthday! I love the new design. The colours are super pretty and I like that everything is so clean and easy to read!

  25. Pretty! Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. It's very girly and simple and I love it. And that 1989 tag is amaaaaazing. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  27. I LOVE your new blog design - it's absolutely gorgeous! I've been wanting a new design for my blog as well - maybe next year. Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a great time! Also, I'll definitely be participating in the tag because I LOVE Taylor Swift - she's my all-time favorite singer!

    1. Thank you! :) Glad people love the new design. I hope you enjoy doing the tag :) :) :)

  28. Ah! The new look is fucking gorgeous! Just lovely! I agree. I have absolutely no designing or whatever skills it takes to re-design my blog. So when the time comes that I actually go ahead with it, I'll keep in mind who you used. :)
    Well done on creating a TAG. That takes creativity and patience. Lol. When I'm not lazy I'll definitely get around to doing it.
    Congrats on everything!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Thank you. So happy people like the new design!!! :) Excited to see how many people take part in the tag :) :) :)

  29. Love the new design, it looks fantastic! And happy birthday!

    Wow, what a great tag. I did love some of the books you didn't, like Kiss of Deception and Red Queen, but that's why reading reviews and blogs is so great because of all of the different opinions. I completely agree with your pick of Allegiant…I just hated that book SO MUCH. I have the first two in hardback and I was in a second hand bookstore and there was Allegiant and I was tempted because I love hardback books and I want to have a complete series, but I just couldn't do it. How can I still be so mad about a book?????

    And as far as 50 Shades goes, that's why I love my Kindle so much. I can be reading something I'm completely embarrassed to read (although a lot of times it's not the book itself but the godawful cover) and no one knows.

    Great tag, I may do it but it's actually one that will take me forever to think of books and I'm lazy so…hopefully! :) ~Pam

    1. HAHA! I know what you mean, I am still mad about Allegiant and still refuse to buy it to complete the series. I just get angry thinking about it. That book was so bad.

  30. Happy birthday! The new design is lovely. Will be doing the 1989 book tag!

  31. Happy birthday!! I think the new design is so beautiful and so sweet :) Lovely!
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  32. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogoversary!!! The new design is beautiful and thanks for the giveaway!!! :)

  33. I think the blog design is lovely, the colors are wonderful and the graphics are very cute.

  34. The blog design looks great! Easy on the eyes and not clutter of icons on the side :D
    Allie L

  35. Happy birthday! :D I hope you have a wonderfully bookish day!
    You've got a lovely design here! I love how warm and flowery it is :) It matches your great content too! Speaking of which, that tag is delicious. I haven't listened to Taylor's new album from front to back, but I reaaaally have to do it. Maybe I'll put on the album while I'm at it and finally have a listen!

    1. Thank you!!! :) Happy people like the design and think the tag looks like fun!!! =D

  36. The design looks super cute! The colors are really great and I love the flowers and butterfly! Evie rocks, doesn't she? :D
    And that tag looks awesome. I love doing book tags so I'll definitely be doing it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Congratulations and happy birthday! I love the design, it's fantastic!

  38. It's adorable and fresh! I really love it! Glad to be a new follower!!! <3

  39. Loving the new design ... it's really fresh and attractive!
    And thank you for the giveaway!

    Pen to Paper Blog

  40. Also ... I loved The Declaration as well, so you're completely not alone with that!! :)

    Pen to Paper Blog

  41. I absolutely adore your new blog design! It is gorgeous :) xx

  42. CHARNELL!!! Your blog looks incredible. Honestly, words do not describe. And I really really miss reading it so hopefully I can do a bit of catching up soon. c: As always this tag was very entertaining, and it's comforting to see some books I recognise because I KNEW that during the time I'd been gone, the number of new YA releases I'd never heard of would explode. Haha. Also, Happy Birthday! <3

  43. I absolutely lovely the new design. Beautiful and love the vintage feel!!!

  44. Love the new design! It's absolutely stunning! :D

  45. The design is so pretty and feminine! :)

  46. Your blog design is lovely. Such beautiful colours! And the book tag was fun, so thanks! :-D Happy birthday and congrats on your many followers! :-D

  47. That was so fun to read! And your blog looks amazing!

  48. Love the new blog design!

    Betul E.

  49. Loving the new design, currently doing the tag, seems like fun

  50. Oh wow, I love your design. It is fresh and so pretty. I kind of just want to stare at it a little bit, but then I wouldn't be reading. I ca happily say this is one of my favourite book tags, I'm already a sucker for Taylor Swift, so to have an album themed one for her is awesome. I am most definitely getting started on this post... after I type up all the other ones I need to complete. It's one the list!

  51. Your new design is great - pretty and simple! Congrats on reaching such big milestones :)

  52. The redesign is so cute and clean!! I love it!!!

  53. The design is super cute! Love it!!!

  54. The design is super cute! Love the watercolor-style :) Btw, I think the link to your Insta account might be wrong? I pasted the Rafflecopter one in and it couldn't find you so I had to use the buttons at the top of your page instead. Might just've been my browser but thought I'd let you know!

    Laura @ What's Hot?

    1. Thank you for letting me know, I will have to go and check it!! :)

  55. This tag is awesome! Taylor Swift is one of my favourite singers and this blog deign is fabulous!! Xx

  56. Love your new design! It's very neat. The color, fonts and the floral details are absolutely pretty. x

  57. I love the new design! I didn't recognize it from the old one! You totally beautified the blog! :)

  58. This tag was so much fun to do!
    Love the new design :D


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.