Hey guys, I recently finished my Queen of Shadows recap and added it in with the other three recaps I have done on this series. I love the post, but these are long books and so those posts are very lengthy. I understand it might be easier to just have an individual post for each book. So I am going to be separating them and then keeping one master post of every book recapped as well.
Crescent City recaps:
ACOTAR recaps:
Throne of Glass recaps:
Part 1: Lady of Shadows
Chapter 1: In Dorian's head, where the Valg creature is controlling his mind. He has forgotten his name and the name of those he cares for. He can remember a woman being beheaded. He is struggling to fight the creature in his mind. No one has noticed what has happened to him.Chapter 2: Celaena is in the Vaults, trying to find out who Arobynn Hamel is meeting there. She has noticed many black-uniformed guards roaming the city, with wyverns embroidered on their uniforms. She has died her hair auburn to disguise herself. Tern, Arobynn's second in command, finds her at the bar. She misses Rowan and no longer has her magic now she is back. She realises Arobynn is meeting Chaol.
Chapter 3: Arobynn and Celaena come face to face again for the first time. We now realise that Arobynn has always known who Celaena really is. Arobynn reveals word got back about her powers and the fight against the Valg in Wendlyn, known as the fire-breathing-bitch-queen.
Arobynn tells her that Aedion has been arrested for treason and that the King plans to execute him in three days, on Dorian's birthday. Says that it is an obvious trap for Celaena. Celaena is determined to save him no matter what. Arobynn offers his help and resources in freeing Aedion - for one favour. Arobynn knows the King's new guard have creatures that wear the bodies of men and wants to know what they are. They have been rounding up people sympathetic to magic and executing them.
Celaena tells Arobynn that the King has stifled magic and summoned ancient demons to infiltrate human bodies. The King uses rings or collars to allow the demon to invade the host, and that he has been targeting former magic wielders. Rings are used for lesser demons and the collars are for the Valg Princes. Arobynn wants her to capture one and bring it to him, he also wants her forgiveness.
Chapter 4: Aedion is in a cell, awaiting execution, and has a wound that is infected and will soon kill him. He wishes to die before the King can use him against Celaena.
Chapter 5: Celaena is currently trying to escape twenty men that are pursuing her. She has killed the owner of the Vaults and thrown it into chaos. She escapes into the sewers, where she is found by Chaol's female guard who asks her to follow her.
Chapter 6: Nesyrn, Chaol's guard, tells her that she is taking her to Chaol. Reveals that Chaol left his position and fled the castle and is now a part of the rebel cause. Nesryn doesn't trust Celaena as she killed so many of the rebels at the warehouse when she rescued Chaol (in Crown of Midnight). Celaena finally comes face to face with Chaol.
Chapter 7: Celaena and Chaol have the ex-lovers-who-were-once-madly-in-love-until-one-blamed-the-other-for-the-death-of-a-friend-even-though-it-wasn't-actually-their-fault-but-she-tried-to-kill-him-anyway-and-now-things-are-totally-awkward reunion that we have all been waiting for. Celaena once again hammers home the point that she can never forgive him for the whole Nehemia thing (which I still say is totally not his fault, fyi!) and all the Chaolaena shipper hearts, including my own, broke into a million pieces.
Chaol and the other rebels have been rescuing former magic-wielders before they are executed. All of them have the rings and have been inhabited by demons. They don't seem to notice the presence of ordinary humans, only those with magic in their bloodline. Chaol reveals to Celaena that Ren Allsbrook is alive, a member of her old court. Also tells her that he took Fleetfoot from the castle and that she is safe in the countryside.
Chaol tells her everything that happened while she was gone - him working with Aedion, Aedion's capture, Sorscha's beheading and Dorian and the collar. Here we see Celaena once again, in her head, blaming Chaol for everything - thinks he should have got Dorian out sooner. (I know it's a recap and I should be totally unbiased but, screw it, I'm the one typing it up for hours and... Damn, Celaena is such a bitch in this book!)
Chaol is in charge of the rebels in the slum and dock territories. His men, Ress and Brullo, are trying to find a way to get Aedion and Dorian out of the castle. She tells Chaol about her time away, but doesn't mention the collars or the Valg princes or that the Amulet of Orynth is the third Wyrdkey - although she does tell him that she needs it. They fight again, both blame each other. She realises that he has figured out a way to free magic but he doesn't want to tell her.
Celaena then tells Chaol what the collar means for Dorian, and that he needs her to have her magic if she has any hope of freeing him or killing him. Tell Chaol to call her Aelin (I am just going to continue calling her Celaena in the recap as it is consistent!) and that Celaena Sardothien no longer exists. He tells her she is the same assassin who walked away and has only returned when it is useful to her. Chaol tells her he met with Arobynn as he wanted his help to kill the King.
Chaol's point of view reveals how terrified he is of Celaena's power and how easily she can kill. He and Nesryn used to sleep together frequently about a year previous. He tells Nesryn who Celaena really is. Chaol's only concern is freeing Dorian. He pawns the ring he once gave to Celaena.
Celaena returns to her old apartment and sees that Arobynn has been here, has unpacked the trunks she and Sam had once intended to use to escape the city together. Celaena has another session of Chaol bashing in her head (Can you tell that I am sick of it?). Celaena writes a letter to Arobynn, accepting his offer, she will capture a valg demon for him after he helps her rescue Aedion.
Chapter 8: Finally get a Manon chapter, where she gets the greatest introduction: Manon Blackbeack, heir of the Blackbeak Witch-Clan, bearer of the blade Wind-Cleaver, rider of the wyvern Abraxos and Wing Leader of the King of Adarlan's aerial host... Basically one deadly, awesome, mother-trucker.
Manon and her thirteen are stationed in Morath, the mountain stronghold of Duke Perrington, a man that she does not like. She hears screams coming from deep within the mountain but does not know what happens there. Kaltain is here with the Duke and has a collar around her neck and a scar on her arm. Manon and Asterin fight, Asterin wishes for them to take the wyvern's and leave.
Chapter 9: Lysandra, a courtesan that Celaena once knew, arrives at her door with a child. Arobynn was the man who found her as a child and handed her over to Clariss, the brother madam, to train as a courtesan and then bought her virginity when she turned 17, with Celaena's money. She is there to tell her Arobynn's plan to rescue Aedion. The girl with her, Evangeline, has a scarred face.
Lysandra brings a letter from Wesley, who Arobynn had killed, and a man that Lysandra was in love with. Says Wesley had tried to stop what happened to Sam and Celaena, and had even planned to try and rescue her from Endovier.
Evangeline reveals to Celaena that Lysandra was the one who scarred her. She knew Evangeline could not escape, as she had tried herself as a child and been beaten for it. She scarred her so she wouldn't have to be a courtesan. Clarisse is making her pay back what she would have earned from Evangeline, it is why she still works for her,
Chapter 10: Dorian visits Aedion in the cells, Aedion realises Dorian has no control over himself. Dorian has the guards tend to Aedion's wounds.
Chapter 11: Celaena finds Chaol, Nesyrn, Ress and Bullo in the markets and warns them to keep any of the King's Guard loyal to the rebellion away from the southern wall of the gardens on the day of Aedion's execution, and to pin red flowers to their uniforms.
Chapter 12: Manon is called to a meeting with the Duke and Lord Vernon Lochan. The Duke wants a Blackbeak coven to test on and see if they are compatible to breed with the Valg. They are more likely to be as they are part Valg themselves. Asterin says that she must refuse, witchlings are sacred to them and their is no greater pride than to bear a witchling and no greater shame than to lose one. Manon demotes Asterin to third for constantly questioning her and makes Sorrel her second.
Mnaon meets her servant, Elide, who has a damaged leg. Her uncle is Lord Vernon, Lord of Perranth. Manon cuts her and tastes her blood, realises that Elide has witch blood in her.
Chapter 13: Celaena has been called to the Assassin's Keep, - Arobynn merely toying with her and we learn nothing of use.
Lysandra visits and they talk, learn that Lysandra was jealous of her, that she hates Arobynn and wishes to destroy him. They quickly become friends (Nothing bonds people faster than the mutual want to murder someone!)
Chapter 14: Chaol demands that Celaena doesn't kill Dorian and that she try to save him. He tells her about the wyrdstone towers and how destroying one of them will release magic. She is worried that the King can use the wyrdmarks or magic against her during the rescue. Chaol has her books from the castle and she will use them to find a way to protect herself.
Chapter 15: Aedion is being prepared for execution. They plan to kill him with his own sword, but he plans to kill himself before they can.
Chapter 16: Celaena is disguising herself amongst a group of dancers to get into the castle. The teacher, Florine, is someone Celaena used to know before. Celaena notices wyrdmarks over the doors into the castle, uses water to wash them away.
Chapter 17: Florine gives each dancer a glass flower and warns them not to drop them until it is time. Aedion watches the dancers, sees them throwing black powder on the ground as they dance.
Chapter 18: The dancers throw the flowers down and they are filled with reactive powder that creates a thick smoke that is hard to see through. Celaena uses this to get to Aedion and remove his chains.
Chapter 19: Dorian has followed Celaena and Aedion, tries to use his magic on her but she has covered herself in wyrdmarks to protect herself. She asks Dorian to give her one sign that he is still in there, he doesn't and so she goes to kill him but is stopped by Nesryn.
They escape the castle and hide Aedion in a secret compartment in a carriage to get him through the city. Celaena and Chaol argue over her trying to kill Dorian, even though she promised that she wouldn't. Lysandra finally realises that Celaena is Aelin.
Chapter 20: Elide's father had been Lord of Perranth, but her uncle swore loyalty to the King, her father was executed and he stole his title. Manon realises Elide does not know she is part witch. Manon goes to one of her thirteen, Ghislaine, to ask about the Valg. Learns that the Valg came to their world and stole Fae to have offspring with, and this was how the witches came to be. King Brannon gave witches the Western Wastes.
A leader of one of the Yellowlegs covens volunteers her coven for the experiment.
Chapter 21: Dorian had tried to wrestle back control so he could give Celaena a sign but couldn't. He no longer remembers her name. Hates her for not killing him when she had the chance.
Chapter 22: Chaol still refuses to believe that all hope is lost for Dorian, still believes he is in there somewhere. He is determined to save him, whatever the cost and is angry with Celaena for trying to kill him.
Chapter 23 & 24: Celaena and Aedion have a proper reunion. The Pits, basically the new Vaults, has sprung up. Many Valg guards are there, and Arobynn wants her to fight there as a way to convince the Pit owners to work with him. She chooses to fight a Valg commander. The commander tells her about Morath, says that they do things to her kind there. She snaps his neck and decapitates him. As a reward, Arobynn tells her where Sams' grave is.
Chapter 25: Asterin goes to question Elide and reveals she has witches blood. Elide then tries to steal coins from Manon to help her escape, but is caught by Asterin and then Manon catches them both in her rooms. Manon tells Elide to choose if her blood runs red (human) or blue (witch) and she chooses blue, so she will get their protection.
Chapter 26: Aedion believes he will be taking the blood oath for Celaena, as Queens have only taken one, and it has always been his right. He doesn't realise that Rowan has already taken it.
Valg soldiers killed everyone in the Shadow Market. Celaena follows a Valg commander into the sewers and sees him call a creature there.
Chapter 27: The creature, a Wyrdhound, looks like one of the gargoyles that guards the kings tower and she can hear the King talking through it.
Aedion offers Celaena her father's sword back, but she tells him to keep it and that it belongs to him. Aedion, Celaena and Nesyrn go to a tavern, on their way home Rowan appears.
Chapter 28: Rowan had stowed away on a ship to come here, against Celaena's ordered. Then we get a weird bath scene where Celaena washes his hair and he purrs like a cat (I feel this should be noted). Rowan finds a dress with an intricate dragon design in her closet, says he wishes to see her in it some day. Rowan and Aedion officially meet, Rowan realises that Aedion's father (who he never met or knew) is Gavriel, one of Rowan's cadre and he is part Fae.
Aedion realises that his mother gave her life to protect him. Refused Fae healers who could have saved her life, to be sure that they wouldn't figure out who Aedion was and send word to Maeve, who might have tried to claim him. Rowan lets slip that he swore the blood oath to Celaena. Her and Aedion fight and he storms out.
Chapter 29: Rowan reveals that Lorcan, the strongest male in the Fae realm, has followed Aelin here.
Celaena apologises to Aedion about the blood oath, tells him that he can still swear it and that she doesn't just have to have one. He agrees to swear it, but only once she is crowned.
Chapter 30: Dorian has allowed the demon complete control of him since Celaena failed to kill him.
Chapter 31: Manon goes into the Duke's tent and witnesses Kaltain using dark fire, which the Duke calls shadowfire, on a soldier. The power has always been in her but has now been awoken. It doesn't burn the victim, but causes them severe pain.
Manon and her thirteen are being denied access to the Yellowlegs coven being experimented on. Duke reveals that her grandmother, the Blackbeak Matron, is building the King a weapon.
Elide overhears Manon and Asterin talking in the wyvern aerie.
Chapter 32: Manon orders Elide to find a way into the chambers where the Yellowlegs coven is being kept and find out what is happening to them. Elide finds her uncle touching and talking to Kaltain, she rescues Kaltain from him and takes her somewhere safe. Elide goes to Manon for poison.
Chapter 33: Aedion is training with Rowan and dealing with the knowledge he is half Fae and may age differently to Celaena, he may outlive her. Rowan warns Aedion to never again speak to Celaena in the way he did the night before. Lysandra stops by the apartment, Arobynn has received word of prison wagons heading to Morath with a lot of missing people in them. Celaena offers to kill Clarisse for Lysandra and give her freedom, Lysandra tells her not yet.
Chapter 34: Celaena gives Rowan a tour of the city, takes him to the Royal Theatre and plays the piano for him.
Chapter 35: Chaol and Nesryn go with rebels to rescue the prisoners on the way to Morath.
Chapter 36: Celaena sneaks from her apartment and allows Lorcan to follow her. She leads him to a group of Valg and leaves him there to be killed. He kills them all and finds her, now she knows that the Wyrdhounds can be killed. She warns him that one day she will come or him. This is the first time where Celaena and Rowan have a silent conversation just by looking at each other (Which, personally, still makes absolutely no sense to me).
Chapter 37: Dorian is taken by the Valg demon every day to see the men suffering in the dungeons.
Chapter 38: Lysandra stops by the apartment, where Rowan reveals that she is a shapeshifter. She can't shift now that magic is gone. No one knows about it. Her father must have been a shifter, although she never knew him. Lysandra was kicked out by her own mother when she shifted in front of her at age seven. She took many shapes and forms to survive on the streets. She got more when she made herself prettier, and was in her current form when she shifted. Not how she really looked, but can no longer remember how she truly looked.
Lysandra warns her that Arobynn is about to call in his favour and will then expect her to deliver the Valg to her and then have dinner with him. It is most likely a trap in some way or another. Sends her a bottle of perfumed skin oil for her to wear, so she will smell like him.
Chapter 39: Celaena and Rowan capture one of the Valg, and Celaena manages to speak to the man trapped inside his own body. Makes a deal with him, which isn't revealed to the reader. She sneaks out that night and comes home smelling of ash. Asks Rowan to go with her to visit Sam's grave. She talks to Sam, tells him all she has been through and reveals her thoughts that he was her mate and that she will always love him.
Celaena plans to kill Arobynn that night, after the dinner.
Chapter 40: Elide uses the poison from Manon on the laundress to make her and a few others sick, so she can volunteer to take the sheets down to where the Yellowlegs coven is being kept. She gets down there and sees inside. She is then found by the witches sitting in her own piss and unable to stop vomiting.
Saw inside the room and believes the witches have already given birth once and are about to do so again. The offspring are not witchlings, they are black creatures with diamond skin, snouts and black stone fangs. The witches are chained to tabled, sobbing and begging to be let go. Asterin fights with Manon and draws blood, she will be punished for it.
Elide tells Manon about her family. How her father was killed and that her mother died defending Aelin/Celaena. Her mother was Marion, the woman who sacrificed herself to give Celaena enough to escape the King's men the day they came to kill her. Still hopes that Aelin is alive and may one day come for her.
Chapter 41: Aedion and Rowan talk and agree to kill Arobynn if Celaena doesn't. Celaena wears the dragon dress.
Chapter 42: They arrive at Arobynn's. Celaena and Rowan have another lengthy mind conversation. Aelin watched Arobynn interrogate the Valg commander. He reveals that the king uses the rings to control them, but has to have their blood in him for it to work. Arobynn takes the ring from the Valg.
Celaena subtly gives Lysandra a note before dinner. Arobynn tells her he tried for months to free her from Endovier.
Celaena and Rowan have yet another silent conversation, where she reveals she isn't wearing underwear. (Seriously, how can they have this full blown conversations in their head when SJM has confirmed they can't read each others thoughts or read each others minds. I am calling bullsh*t on it.)
Chapter 43: Arobynn says Celaena has been ruining his business and properties. She disguised herself as one of his most loyal clients, Cormac Hinsol, when she rescued Aedion. Even used two of his carriages when she escaped. Cormac then tried to blame it on Arobynn.
Goes in to the sitting room with Arobynn, but Rowan and Aedion listen outside the door, to discuss what she wants in order to stop messing with his business. Celaena tells him that if her, Rowan and Aedion don't make it out of Arobynn's then Chaol is going to have some of his men give word to the King about Arobynn's dealings and the demon he just killed. Arobynn gives Celaena the amulet, but slips the wyrdstone ring onto her finger.
Chapter 44: Arobynn swallows her blood so that he can control her through the ring. Orders her to blink and she does, does exactly as he says. He sends her off with Rowan Aedion. Celaena had faked her obedience, had chose the Valg with least control of its host and given the human a chance for redemption. Had him feed Arobynn false information about the ring and blood. She had taken the real ring and replaced it with a fake. It was a test for Arobynn, shows that he has no hope of redemption.
Celaena tells Rowan that she has told Lysandra that she can kill Arobynn, she deserves it more. Celaena goes to kiss Rowan but he pushes her away and tells her not to touch him like that.
Lysandra is in bed with Arobynn, she plans to kill him as he lays in bed. She heard him send for his men and she knows he wants Rowan killed. She slits Arobynn's throat with the knife he keeps under her pillow.
Chapter 45: Dorian watches helplessly as the demon in him tortures a man.
Chapter 46: Celaena on the way to the Assassin's Keep, called there by Tern, Harding and Mullin who have taken control as Arobynn is now dead.
Chapter 47: Celaena pretends to know nothing about it and interrogates Lysandra, who plays her part perfectly. Arobynn's throat was slit and he choked to death on his blood. The Master of the Bank arrives to read Arobynn's will, he left everything to Celaena. Tern, Mullin and Harding offer to buy the Guild and house from her, giving her the funds she needs. Celaena had switched the will, originally all she would have received was the amulet back. Celaena goes to vie Arobynn's body and beheads him.
Part 2: Queen of Light
Chapter 48: Manon beats Asterin in the breakfast hall as punishment. Duke summons her and demands a Blackbeak coven for the experiments next. Duke has her and the thirteen take him and Kaltain out on the wyverns. Take them to a village where he gets Kaltain to use her shadowfire to destroy it and all the people there. She only manages to kill some, so Manon and the thirteen have to kill the rest.
Chapter 49: Celaena tells Aedion her plan is to free magic, kill the King and kill Dorian too. Celaena and Lysandra go to the bakery, to find out where the opium dealer from the Shadow Market is hiding out - catacombs below the sewers. They go to the destroyed market and she reveals the opium dealer also sold hellfire, highly flammable, which she wants to find and use to destroy the tower.
Chapter 50: The hellfire supply is hidden below in the underground temple of the God of Truth. Wyrdmarks at the back of the temple tell the story of Elena and Gavin. Describes the demon wars with the Valg left behind after the First War. Valg were led by one of the three Kings. The King could take on any form and appeared as a handsome man. They called him Erawan, Dark King, who Gavin and Elena fought and killed.
Gavin's deathbed confession reveals that they did not destroy the King, they couldn't. The Eye of Elena put him to sleep. They built him a sarcophagus of iron and indestructible stone, put it in a sealed tomb beanth a mountain. A labrynth of doors led to it and they put unbreakable symbols on the doors to lock them. They buried him beneath the Black Mountains and built a keep on top of it. Realise that the Black Mountains is Morath and that the King is attempting to raise Erawan, if he hasn't already.
Chapter 51: Manon asks her thirteen to pick the coven for the Duke but they refuse. A man enters and darkness engulfs them all. Man being controlled by the Valg comes though, tells them his name is Roland and begs them to kill him. Manon kills him. Manon goes after Kaltain, she says that the Duke wants Kings.
Chapter 52: Nesryn brings a message from Ren, tells them the King is building an army at Morath and that he has 3,000 witches and wyvern. already.
Celaena is snuck up on by Lorcan, who holds a knife to her throat. He says that he has left Maeve and that she made a mistake giving Maeve the ring. The ring protects whomever wears it against the Valgs powers. Lorcan wants to destroy all the Wyrdkeys to stop Maeve from getting them. He will give them the ring if they give him the Wyrdkey (the amulet). He then lets her go and disappears.
Rowan tells Celaena he missed her while she was gone. Then he puts his teeth at her neck... which is apparently completely sexy to Fae for some reason. Go figure.
Chapter 53: Dorian paragraphs of basically nothing.
Chapter 54: Manon has received a summons for her and the thirteen. She is to fly to meet her grandmother and the King in Oakwald Forest, finally see the weapon her grandmother has been building.
Kaltain had allowed the demon to take control of her, allowed the Duke to do whatever he wanted to her and her body. She has been lying in wait, slowly stealing back control from the Valg demon inside her. She has full control back but is pretending she doesn't. She wishes to destroy them.
Chapter 55: Evangeline shows up at Celaena's apartment, the King's men came for Lysandra. It was in Arobynn's will that the Guard be told of Lysandra being a shapeshifter. Chaol and Nesryn arrive with news of the meeting in Oakwald Forest and the fact they are bringing a prisoner to transport to Moranth (Lysandra).
Chapter 56: Celaena, Rowan, Aedion, Nesryn and Chaol are going to the meeting place to rescue Lysandra. More Rowan and Celaena moments.
Chapter 57: Celaena promises Chaol she won't try to kill Dorian during Lysandra's rescue.
Chapter 58: At the meeting, Manon's grandmother reveals she received all her letters about the experiments. She already knew about it and she approves. Manon talks to Dorian and manages to actually get through to Dorian and talk to him, he remembers his name before the demon takes back control.
Celaena frees Lysandra from the prison wagon and witnesses Manon's grandmother slapping her as punishment.
Chapter 59: Dorian loses control again but he remembers Manon's name. Chaol has run off from the others, he plans to kill Dorian as he feels he is lost, but he runs into the witches. Celaena reveals herself to the witches and tells them she is Aelin G. Manon is going to allow her to leave unharmed with Lysandra, so Celaena thinks this is a great time to tell them that she killed Baba Yellowlegs, making Manon want to kill her. She traps Manon in place with wyrdmarks and makes for the two bridges that go across the ravine. Manon catches up to them on the first bridge, leading to a stone temple and Rowan gets an arrow through his shoulder as he protects Celaena from getting it through her heart.
Chapter 60: Celaena and Manon fight on the temple. The fighting makes the temple begin to collapse and it collapses around Manon as Celaena escapes. She changes her mind and goes back, saving Manon's life, meaning Manon feels she owes Celaena a life debt.
Chapter 61: Celaena uses once again about how she wishes she had let Chaol die. Rowan is heale by a midwife at a family farm of Nesryns.
Chapter 58: At the meeting, Manon's grandmother reveals she received all her letters about the experiments. She already knew about it and she approves. Manon talks to Dorian and manages to actually get through to Dorian and talk to him, he remembers his name before the demon takes back control.
Celaena frees Lysandra from the prison wagon and witnesses Manon's grandmother slapping her as punishment.
Chapter 59: Dorian loses control again but he remembers Manon's name. Chaol has run off from the others, he plans to kill Dorian as he feels he is lost, but he runs into the witches. Celaena reveals herself to the witches and tells them she is Aelin G. Manon is going to allow her to leave unharmed with Lysandra, so Celaena thinks this is a great time to tell them that she killed Baba Yellowlegs, making Manon want to kill her. She traps Manon in place with wyrdmarks and makes for the two bridges that go across the ravine. Manon catches up to them on the first bridge, leading to a stone temple and Rowan gets an arrow through his shoulder as he protects Celaena from getting it through her heart.
Chapter 60: Celaena and Manon fight on the temple. The fighting makes the temple begin to collapse and it collapses around Manon as Celaena escapes. She changes her mind and goes back, saving Manon's life, meaning Manon feels she owes Celaena a life debt.
Chapter 61: Celaena uses once again about how she wishes she had let Chaol die. Rowan is heale by a midwife at a family farm of Nesryns.
Chapter 62: Manon tells the King about the rebels who freed Lysandra, but she lies and says that she killed them all. Manon saw the weapon her grandmother built. They are giant towers of sacred mirror that would be used to amplify any power, the King would use Kaltains shadowfire.
Back in Morath, Elide is caught by Vernon before she can escape on a supply wagon.
Chapter 63: Vernon leaves Elide in a dungeon cell, wants to use her as she has witches blood in her veins. Vernon calls Manon in and gives her reports on the kingdom - information on Celaena and Chaol. She realises that Chaol's plan is to kill Dorian, and that they don't realise he is still inside.
Asterin takes Manon away from Morath to talk. Tells her that at twenty eight, eighty years ago, she was off hunting Crochan witches when she was caught in a storm and fell from her broom, injuring herself. She was found by a human hunter and stayed with him for five months. When she was summoned back to Blackbeak Keep, she was already a month pregnant. She told Manon's grandmother about the pregnancy when she was four months along, who placed her on bed rest and told no one else. The baby was stillborn and the Matron wouldn't allow her to even see the baby, instead she had her burned and then beat Asterin for it and then branded the words UNCLEAN across her stomach. Sorrel and Vestra are the only two people who know. Manon reinstates her as her second.
Chapter 64: Celaena gives Lysandra a letter from Clarisse, it reveals that she is giving her and Evangeline their freedom - Celaena has paid off both their debts.
Asterin and Manon head to Rifthold. Elide has been in the dungeons for four days and no one has come for her.
Chapter 65: Rowan finds Lorcan on the roof, he tells Rowan that he killed all of the Wyrdhounds. Lorcan suggests that Maeve may want to use Celaena, rather than kill her. That she may collar her, like the King did to Dorian. Lorcan says he is the only one who can hunt down and destroy the keys. Lorcan swears a blood oath that the ring really does protect the wearer from the Valgs powers. Rowan gives him the amulet and takes the ring. Lorcan doesn't realise that the amulet is a fake.
Dorian is still wrestling with the demon and remembers Manon.
Celaena and Chaol finally talk properly. He apologises for all the things Celaena blames him for. Celaena explained that what she said, when she said she would always pick him, wasn't what she meant. Chaol says she deserves to be happy, she tells him the same. She tells him he should be with Nesryn.
Chaol and Nesryn visit a temple, where she makes him promise that he will walk out of the castle. (Maas is kind of evil!).
The plan is for Rowan and Aedio to set the hellfire beneath the tower in the sewers. Celaena and Chaol will be the ones entering the castle to take on the King and Valg Dorian.
Rowan and Celaena finally kiss.
Chapter 66: Celaena refuses Lysandra's help, orders her to get to safety outside the city with Evangeline. Manon has written throughout Rifthold in Valg blood a message for Celaena : WITCH KILLER - THE HUMAN IS STILL INSIDE HIM - letting her know that Dorian is still inside himself and that there is still hope for him.
Chapter 67: Chaol and Celaena split up from Aedion and Rowan, Aedion gives her her father's sword.
Chapter 68: Celaena and Chaol arrive at the castle fence, she has Chaol tied up as if he is a prisoner. His men, including Ress and Brullo, are dead and their bodies have been left hanging from the fence. Celaena is pretending to still be the King's loyal Champion and that she is bringing Chaol to him.
Chapter 69: Celaena has covered herself in wyrdmarks to protect herself. She gives the King two rings, fakes, and tells him they are from the King and Crown Prince of Wendlyn, that she did what he asked of her. The King reveals that he knows who she really is.
Chapter 70: The Wyrdhounds are alive, Lorcan lied about killing them and instead gave them Rowan's scent.
Chapter 71: Rowan and Aedion are fighting the Wyrdhounds, meaning that they are unable to destroy the tower by noon like they had planned.
Celaena reveals she has the Eye of Elena and then runs from the throne room, Dorian pursues her. Chaol stops the King from being able to follow her. She jumps from an open window to escape Dorian.
Chapter 72: Celaena lands on a glass bridge below the window and Dorian follows her. Chaol is taking on the King alone to buy her time to free Dorian. Chaol reveals the Eye that Celaena has is fake, had it made and he doesn't know where she has put the real one. The King uses his powers on Chaol and the chapter ends with us not knowing if Chaol is dead or not.
Chapter 73: Tiny Dorian/Demon paragraph
Chapter 74: Dorian and Celaena are fighting on the bridge, he stabs her in her side.
Aedion and Rowan are still fighting the Wyrdhounds. Lorcan appears and helps them. They finally defeat them and Rowan lights the fuse and finally brings down the tower, setting magic free. The tunnels ahead are filled with hundreds of Valg commanders and soldiers.
Dorian has slipped Athrils ring on Dorian's finger, the ring that protects from Valg powers. Valg uses Dorian's powers against Celaena and she fires her back at him.
Chapter 75: Aedion, Rowan and Lorcan are losing to the Valg. Lysandra appears, shifted into a ghost leopard, and kills all of the remaining Valg soldiers. Once they are defeated, they all head to the castle.
Chapter 76: King arrives on he bridge, says that he has killed Chaol. Dorian finally takes back control from the Valg and snaps the collar off.
Chapter 77: Rowan turns into his hawk form to fly up to the castle and find Celaena. Celaena and Dorian are using their powers on the King. Celaena hears him call Dorian 'My boy' in a voice she has never heard him use before.
Chapter 78: The King reveals that Erawan is already free. He and Duke Perrington went to Morath years ago and freed him. Erawan took over the Duke's body and another demon took over the King. The King has been possessed this whole time and wasn't actually evil. He wrestled control back long enough to have the towers built and banish magic. He says he has wanted Celaena to destroy him this whole time. Tells them Chaol is broken but not dead.
Chapter 79: Dorian shatters the glass castle and kills the King. Celaena awakes on the ground with Dorian and Chaol. Celaena then addresses the city, tells them that the King is dead and Dorian lives. She takes control of the city until Dorian is ready to lead. She orders every single slave freed.
Chapter 80: Vernon goes to visit Elide, now that magic has been freed he wants to see what powers she possesses. He wants her to breed with the Valg. Manon returns to Morath and realises that Elide is missing.
Chapter 81: Manon rescues Elide before she can be taken to be breed with the Valg. News arrives of the King's death.
Chapter 82: Kaltain appears, will help Elide and Manon to escape. Kaltain uses a dagger to slice open her arm and remove a dark stone from it, which she gives to Elide and tells her to give to Celaena Sardothien. She tells her to inform Celaena it is a key which will unlock any door. Kaltain uses her fire to destroy everything in Morath, including herself. Manon, Elide and the thirteen escape.
Chapter 83: Another Rowan and Celaena kiss. Learn that Lorcan took the ring back from Celaena while she was unconscious.
Chapter 84: Dorian visits Chaol as he wakes for the first time. The King broke Chaol's spine in multiple places and he is paralysed and unable to walk. Dorian says they were unable to heal him, he needs to go to the healers at Torre Cesme in the Southern Continent. Dorian has made Nesryn the temporary Captain of the Guard and Chaol the King's Hand.
Chapter 85: Manon tells Elide that the King is dead and that Aelin is alive and she was the one who killed him. She tells Elide to make her way to Terrasen and find her.
Chapter 86: Celaena gives Lysandra a property that once belonged to the Allsbrooks and appoints her Lady of it. Dorian has issued a decree that frees all the kingdoms conquered by his father.
Chapter 87: Duke Perrington and Vernon both survived at Morath and still plan to fight.
Chapter 88: Celaena asks Chaol to try to strike an alliance with the royal family in the Southern Continent as they need all the help they can find. Celaena, Aedion, Rowan and the others are heading back to Terrasen. Manon flies to the castle to see Dorian.
Chapter 89: The book ends with Celaena and the others arriving in Terrasen.
Back in Morath, Elide is caught by Vernon before she can escape on a supply wagon.
Chapter 63: Vernon leaves Elide in a dungeon cell, wants to use her as she has witches blood in her veins. Vernon calls Manon in and gives her reports on the kingdom - information on Celaena and Chaol. She realises that Chaol's plan is to kill Dorian, and that they don't realise he is still inside.
Asterin takes Manon away from Morath to talk. Tells her that at twenty eight, eighty years ago, she was off hunting Crochan witches when she was caught in a storm and fell from her broom, injuring herself. She was found by a human hunter and stayed with him for five months. When she was summoned back to Blackbeak Keep, she was already a month pregnant. She told Manon's grandmother about the pregnancy when she was four months along, who placed her on bed rest and told no one else. The baby was stillborn and the Matron wouldn't allow her to even see the baby, instead she had her burned and then beat Asterin for it and then branded the words UNCLEAN across her stomach. Sorrel and Vestra are the only two people who know. Manon reinstates her as her second.
Chapter 64: Celaena gives Lysandra a letter from Clarisse, it reveals that she is giving her and Evangeline their freedom - Celaena has paid off both their debts.
Asterin and Manon head to Rifthold. Elide has been in the dungeons for four days and no one has come for her.
Chapter 65: Rowan finds Lorcan on the roof, he tells Rowan that he killed all of the Wyrdhounds. Lorcan suggests that Maeve may want to use Celaena, rather than kill her. That she may collar her, like the King did to Dorian. Lorcan says he is the only one who can hunt down and destroy the keys. Lorcan swears a blood oath that the ring really does protect the wearer from the Valgs powers. Rowan gives him the amulet and takes the ring. Lorcan doesn't realise that the amulet is a fake.
Dorian is still wrestling with the demon and remembers Manon.
Celaena and Chaol finally talk properly. He apologises for all the things Celaena blames him for. Celaena explained that what she said, when she said she would always pick him, wasn't what she meant. Chaol says she deserves to be happy, she tells him the same. She tells him he should be with Nesryn.
Chaol and Nesryn visit a temple, where she makes him promise that he will walk out of the castle. (Maas is kind of evil!).
The plan is for Rowan and Aedio to set the hellfire beneath the tower in the sewers. Celaena and Chaol will be the ones entering the castle to take on the King and Valg Dorian.
Rowan and Celaena finally kiss.
Chapter 66: Celaena refuses Lysandra's help, orders her to get to safety outside the city with Evangeline. Manon has written throughout Rifthold in Valg blood a message for Celaena : WITCH KILLER - THE HUMAN IS STILL INSIDE HIM - letting her know that Dorian is still inside himself and that there is still hope for him.
Chapter 67: Chaol and Celaena split up from Aedion and Rowan, Aedion gives her her father's sword.
Chapter 68: Celaena and Chaol arrive at the castle fence, she has Chaol tied up as if he is a prisoner. His men, including Ress and Brullo, are dead and their bodies have been left hanging from the fence. Celaena is pretending to still be the King's loyal Champion and that she is bringing Chaol to him.
Chapter 69: Celaena has covered herself in wyrdmarks to protect herself. She gives the King two rings, fakes, and tells him they are from the King and Crown Prince of Wendlyn, that she did what he asked of her. The King reveals that he knows who she really is.
Chapter 70: The Wyrdhounds are alive, Lorcan lied about killing them and instead gave them Rowan's scent.
Chapter 71: Rowan and Aedion are fighting the Wyrdhounds, meaning that they are unable to destroy the tower by noon like they had planned.
Celaena reveals she has the Eye of Elena and then runs from the throne room, Dorian pursues her. Chaol stops the King from being able to follow her. She jumps from an open window to escape Dorian.
Chapter 72: Celaena lands on a glass bridge below the window and Dorian follows her. Chaol is taking on the King alone to buy her time to free Dorian. Chaol reveals the Eye that Celaena has is fake, had it made and he doesn't know where she has put the real one. The King uses his powers on Chaol and the chapter ends with us not knowing if Chaol is dead or not.
Chapter 73: Tiny Dorian/Demon paragraph
Chapter 74: Dorian and Celaena are fighting on the bridge, he stabs her in her side.
Aedion and Rowan are still fighting the Wyrdhounds. Lorcan appears and helps them. They finally defeat them and Rowan lights the fuse and finally brings down the tower, setting magic free. The tunnels ahead are filled with hundreds of Valg commanders and soldiers.
Dorian has slipped Athrils ring on Dorian's finger, the ring that protects from Valg powers. Valg uses Dorian's powers against Celaena and she fires her back at him.
Chapter 75: Aedion, Rowan and Lorcan are losing to the Valg. Lysandra appears, shifted into a ghost leopard, and kills all of the remaining Valg soldiers. Once they are defeated, they all head to the castle.
Chapter 76: King arrives on he bridge, says that he has killed Chaol. Dorian finally takes back control from the Valg and snaps the collar off.
Chapter 77: Rowan turns into his hawk form to fly up to the castle and find Celaena. Celaena and Dorian are using their powers on the King. Celaena hears him call Dorian 'My boy' in a voice she has never heard him use before.
Chapter 78: The King reveals that Erawan is already free. He and Duke Perrington went to Morath years ago and freed him. Erawan took over the Duke's body and another demon took over the King. The King has been possessed this whole time and wasn't actually evil. He wrestled control back long enough to have the towers built and banish magic. He says he has wanted Celaena to destroy him this whole time. Tells them Chaol is broken but not dead.
Chapter 79: Dorian shatters the glass castle and kills the King. Celaena awakes on the ground with Dorian and Chaol. Celaena then addresses the city, tells them that the King is dead and Dorian lives. She takes control of the city until Dorian is ready to lead. She orders every single slave freed.
Chapter 80: Vernon goes to visit Elide, now that magic has been freed he wants to see what powers she possesses. He wants her to breed with the Valg. Manon returns to Morath and realises that Elide is missing.
Chapter 81: Manon rescues Elide before she can be taken to be breed with the Valg. News arrives of the King's death.
Chapter 82: Kaltain appears, will help Elide and Manon to escape. Kaltain uses a dagger to slice open her arm and remove a dark stone from it, which she gives to Elide and tells her to give to Celaena Sardothien. She tells her to inform Celaena it is a key which will unlock any door. Kaltain uses her fire to destroy everything in Morath, including herself. Manon, Elide and the thirteen escape.
Chapter 83: Another Rowan and Celaena kiss. Learn that Lorcan took the ring back from Celaena while she was unconscious.
Chapter 84: Dorian visits Chaol as he wakes for the first time. The King broke Chaol's spine in multiple places and he is paralysed and unable to walk. Dorian says they were unable to heal him, he needs to go to the healers at Torre Cesme in the Southern Continent. Dorian has made Nesryn the temporary Captain of the Guard and Chaol the King's Hand.
Chapter 85: Manon tells Elide that the King is dead and that Aelin is alive and she was the one who killed him. She tells Elide to make her way to Terrasen and find her.
Chapter 86: Celaena gives Lysandra a property that once belonged to the Allsbrooks and appoints her Lady of it. Dorian has issued a decree that frees all the kingdoms conquered by his father.
Chapter 87: Duke Perrington and Vernon both survived at Morath and still plan to fight.
Chapter 88: Celaena asks Chaol to try to strike an alliance with the royal family in the Southern Continent as they need all the help they can find. Celaena, Aedion, Rowan and the others are heading back to Terrasen. Manon flies to the castle to see Dorian.
Chapter 89: The book ends with Celaena and the others arriving in Terrasen.
Wow girl, you are really on a roll with all these recaps!
ReplyDeleteSuper helpful!!
So grateful for you and your blog!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness please do more recaps I love these!!! They help me pass the chapters I dont really care to read I love you
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking out the time to create this recap
ReplyDeleteI think the book series should’ve ended here.
ReplyDeleteI think it dragged out longer than it should’ve.
Let me know if you agree!
why do you keep calling her calaena? her name is aelin